sutta » an » an1 » Aṅguttara Nikāya 1

Translators: sujato

Numbered Discourses 1.51–60

6. Accharāsaṅghātavagga
The Chapter on a Finger-Snap


“Pabhassaramidaṁ, bhikkhave, cittaṁ.
“This mind, mendicants, is radiant.

Tañca kho āgantukehi upakkilesehi upakkiliṭṭhaṁ.
But it is corrupted by passing corruptions.

Taṁ assutavā puthujjano yathābhūtaṁ nappajānāti.
An unlearned ordinary person does not truly understand this.

Tasmā ‘assutavato puthujjanassa cittabhāvanā natthī’ti vadāmī”ti.
So I say that the unlearned ordinary person has no development of the mind.”



“Pabhassaramidaṁ, bhikkhave, cittaṁ.
“This mind, mendicants, is radiant.

Tañca kho āgantukehi upakkilesehi vippamuttaṁ.
And it is freed from passing corruptions.

Taṁ sutavā ariyasāvako yathābhūtaṁ pajānāti.
A learned noble disciple truly understands this.

Tasmā ‘sutavato ariyasāvakassa cittabhāvanā atthī’ti vadāmī”ti.
So I say that the learned noble disciple has development of the mind.”



“Accharāsaṅghātamattampi ce, bhikkhave, bhikkhu mettācittaṁ āsevati;
“If, mendicants, a mendicant cultivates a mind of love even as long as a finger-snap,

ayaṁ vuccati, bhikkhave:
they’re called

‘bhikkhu arittajjhāno viharati satthusāsanakaro ovādapatikaro, amoghaṁ raṭṭhapiṇḍaṁ bhuñjati’.
a mendicant who does not lack absorption, who follows the Teacher’s instructions, who responds to advice, and who does not eat the country’s alms in vain.

Ko pana vādo ye naṁ bahulīkarontī”ti.
How much more so those who make much of it!”



“Accharāsaṅghātamattampi ce, bhikkhave, bhikkhu mettācittaṁ bhāveti;
“If, mendicants, a mendicant develops a mind of love even as long as a finger-snap,

ayaṁ vuccati, bhikkhave:
they’re called

‘bhikkhu arittajjhāno viharati satthusāsanakaro ovādapatikaro, amoghaṁ raṭṭhapiṇḍaṁ bhuñjati’.
a mendicant who does not lack absorption, who follows the Teacher’s instructions, who responds to advice, and who does not eat the country’s alms in vain.

Ko pana vādo ye naṁ bahulīkarontī”ti.
How much more so those who make much of it!”



“Accharāsaṅghātamattampi ce, bhikkhave, bhikkhu mettācittaṁ manasi karoti;
“If, mendicants, a mendicant focuses on a mind of love even as long as a finger-snap,

ayaṁ vuccati, bhikkhave:
they’re called

‘bhikkhu arittajjhāno viharati satthusāsanakaro ovādapatikaro amoghaṁ raṭṭhapiṇḍaṁ bhuñjati’.
a mendicant who does not lack absorption, who follows the Teacher’s instructions, who responds to advice, and who does not eat the country’s alms in vain.

Ko pana vādo ye naṁ bahulīkarontī”ti.
How much more so those who make much of it!”



“Ye keci, bhikkhave, dhammā akusalā akusalabhāgiyā akusalapakkhikā, sabbe te manopubbaṅgamā.
“Mendicants, intention shapes all phenomena whatsoever that are unskillful, part of the unskillful, on the side of the unskillful.

Mano tesaṁ dhammānaṁ paṭhamaṁ uppajjati, anvadeva akusalā dhammā”ti.
Intention is the first of those phenomena to arise, and unskillful phenomena follow right behind.”



“Ye keci, bhikkhave, dhammā kusalā kusalabhāgiyā kusalapakkhikā, sabbe te manopubbaṅgamā.
“Mendicants, intention shapes all phenomena whatsoever that are skillful, part of the skillful, on the side of the skillful.

Mano tesaṁ dhammānaṁ paṭhamaṁ uppajjati, anvadeva kusalā dhammā”ti.
Intention is the first of those phenomena to arise, and skillful phenomena follow right behind.”



“Nāhaṁ, bhikkhave, aññaṁ ekadhammampi samanupassāmi yena anuppannā vā akusalā dhammā uppajjanti uppannā vā kusalā dhammā parihāyanti yathayidaṁ, bhikkhave, pamādo.
“Mendicants, I do not see a single thing that gives rise to unskillful qualities, or makes skillful qualities decline like negligence.

Pamattassa, bhikkhave, anuppannā ceva akusalā dhammā uppajjanti uppannā ca kusalā dhammā parihāyantī”ti.
When you’re negligent, unskillful qualities arise and skillful qualities decline.”



“Nāhaṁ, bhikkhave, aññaṁ ekadhammampi samanupassāmi yena anuppannā vā kusalā dhammā uppajjanti uppannā vā akusalā dhammā parihāyanti yathayidaṁ, bhikkhave, appamādo.
“Mendicants, I do not see a single thing that gives rise to skillful qualities, or makes unskillful qualities decline like diligence.

Appamattassa, bhikkhave, anuppannā ceva kusalā dhammā uppajjanti uppannā ca akusalā dhammā parihāyantī”ti.
When you’re diligent, skillful qualities arise and unskillful qualities decline.”



“Nāhaṁ, bhikkhave, aññaṁ ekadhammampi samanupassāmi yena anuppannā vā akusalā dhammā uppajjanti uppannā vā kusalā dhammā parihāyanti yathayidaṁ, bhikkhave, kosajjaṁ.
“Mendicants, I do not see a single thing that gives rise to unskillful qualities, or makes skillful qualities decline like laziness.

Kusītassa, bhikkhave, anuppannā ceva akusalā dhammā uppajjanti uppannā ca kusalā dhammā parihāyantī”ti.
When you’re lazy, unskillful qualities arise and skillful qualities decline.”


Accharāsaṅghātavaggo chaṭṭho.