sutta » an » an1 » Aṅguttara Nikāya 1

Translators: sujato

Numbered Discourses 1

19. Chaṭṭhavagga
Chapter Six

“Etadaggaṁ, bhikkhave, mama sāvakānaṁ upāsakānaṁ paṭhamaṁ saraṇaṁ gacchantānaṁ yadidaṁ tapussabhallikā vāṇijā.
“The foremost of my laymen in first going for refuge are the merchants Tapussa and Bhallika.

… Dāyakānaṁ yadidaṁ sudatto gahapati anāthapiṇḍiko.
… as a donor is the householder Sudatta Anāthapiṇḍika.

… Dhammakathikānaṁ yadidaṁ citto gahapati macchikāsaṇḍiko.
… who speak on the teaching is the householder Citta Macchikāsaṇḍika.

… Catūhi saṅgahavatthūhi parisaṁ saṅgaṇhantānaṁ yadidaṁ hatthako āḷavako.
… who attract a congregation by the four ways of being inclusive is Hatthaka of Āḷavī.

… Paṇītadāyakānaṁ yadidaṁ mahānāmo sakko.
… who donate fine things is Mahānāma Sakka.

… Manāpadāyakānaṁ yadidaṁ uggo gahapati vesāliko.
… who donate nice things is the householder Ugga of Vesālī.

… Saṅghupaṭṭhākānaṁ yadidaṁ hatthigāmako uggato gahapati.
… who attend on the Saṅgha is the householder Uggata of Elephant Village.

… Aveccappasannānaṁ yadidaṁ sūrambaṭṭho.
… who have experiential confidence is Sūrambaṭṭha.

… Puggalappasannānaṁ yadidaṁ jīvako komārabhacco.
… who have confidence in a person is Jīvaka Komārabhacca.

… Vissāsakānaṁ yadidaṁ nakulapitā gahapatī”ti.
… who are intimate is the householder Nakula’s father.”

Vaggo chaṭṭho.