sutta » an » an2 » Aṅguttara Nikāya 2

Translators: sujato

Numbered Discourses 2.130–140

12. Āyācanavagga
The Chapter on Aspiration


“Saddho, bhikkhave, bhikkhu evaṁ sammā āyācamāno āyāceyya:
“A faithful monk would rightly aspire:

‘tādiso homi yādisā sāriputtamoggallānā’ti.
‘May I be like Sāriputta and Moggallāna!’

Esā, bhikkhave, tulā etaṁ pamāṇaṁ mama sāvakānaṁ bhikkhūnaṁ yadidaṁ sāriputtamoggallānā”ti.
These are a standard and a measure for my monk disciples, that is, Sāriputta and Moggallāna.”


“Saddhā, bhikkhave, bhikkhunī evaṁ sammā āyācamānā āyāceyya:
“A faithful nun would rightly aspire:

‘tādisī homi yādisī khemā ca bhikkhunī uppalavaṇṇā cā’ti.
‘May I be like the nuns Khemā and Uppalavaṇṇā!’

Esā, bhikkhave, tulā etaṁ pamāṇaṁ mama sāvikānaṁ bhikkhunīnaṁ yadidaṁ khemā ca bhikkhunī uppalavaṇṇā cā”ti.
These are a standard and a measure for my nun disciples, that is, the nuns Khemā and Uppalavaṇṇā.”


“Saddho, bhikkhave, upāsako evaṁ sammā āyācamāno āyāceyya:
“A faithful layman would rightly aspire:

‘tādiso homi yādiso citto ca gahapati hatthako ca āḷavako’ti.
‘May I be like the householder Citta and Hatthaka of Ãḷavī!’

Esā, bhikkhave, tulā etaṁ pamāṇaṁ mama sāvakānaṁ upāsakānaṁ yadidaṁ citto ca gahapati hatthako ca āḷavako”ti.
These are a standard and a measure for my male lay followers, that is, the householder Citta and Hatthaka of Ãḷavī.”


“Saddhā, bhikkhave, upāsikā evaṁ sammā āyācamānā āyāceyya:
“A faithful laywoman would rightly aspire:

‘tādisī homi yādisī khujjuttarā ca upāsikā veḷukaṇḍakiyā ca nandamātā’ti.
‘May I be like the laywomen Khujjuttarā and Veḷukaṇṭakī, Nanda’s mother!’

Esā, bhikkhave, tulā etaṁ pamāṇaṁ mama sāvikānaṁ upāsikānaṁ yadidaṁ khujjuttarā ca upāsikā veḷukaṇḍakiyā ca nandamātā”ti.
These are a standard and a measure for my female lay disciples, that is, the laywomen Khujjuttarā and Veḷukaṇṭakī, Nanda’s mother.”


“Dvīhi, bhikkhave, dhammehi samannāgato bālo abyatto asappuriso khataṁ upahataṁ attānaṁ pariharati, sāvajjo ca hoti sānuvajjo ca viññūnaṁ, bahuñca apuññaṁ pasavati.
“When a foolish, incompetent untrue person has two qualities they keep themselves broken and damaged. They deserve to be blamed and criticized by sensible people, and they create much wickedness.

Katamehi dvīhi?
What two?

Ananuvicca apariyogāhetvā avaṇṇārahassa vaṇṇaṁ bhāsati,
Without examining or scrutinizing, they praise those deserving of criticism

ananuvicca apariyogāhetvā vaṇṇārahassa avaṇṇaṁ bhāsati.
and they criticize those deserving of praise.

Imehi kho, bhikkhave, dvīhi dhammehi samannāgato bālo abyatto asappuriso khataṁ upahataṁ attānaṁ pariharati, sāvajjo ca hoti sānuvajjo ca viññūnaṁ, bahuñca apuññaṁ pasavatīti.
When a foolish, incompetent untrue person has these two qualities they keep themselves broken and damaged. They deserve to be blamed and criticized by sensible people, and they create much wickedness.

Dvīhi, bhikkhave, dhammehi samannāgato paṇḍito viyatto sappuriso akkhataṁ anupahataṁ attānaṁ pariharati, anavajjo ca hoti ananuvajjo ca viññūnaṁ, bahuñca puññaṁ pasavati.
When an astute, competent true person has two qualities they keep themselves healthy and whole. They don’t deserve to be blamed and criticized by sensible people, and they create much merit.

Katamehi dvīhi?
What two?

Anuvicca pariyogāhetvā avaṇṇārahassa avaṇṇaṁ bhāsati,
After examining and scrutinizing, they criticize those deserving of criticism

anuvicca pariyogāhetvā vaṇṇārahassa vaṇṇaṁ bhāsati.
and they praise those deserving of praise.

Imehi kho, bhikkhave, dvīhi dhammehi samannāgato paṇḍito viyatto sappuriso akkhataṁ anupahataṁ attānaṁ pariharati, anavajjo ca hoti ananuvajjo ca viññūnaṁ, bahuñca puññaṁ pasavatī”ti.
When an astute, competent true person has these two qualities they keep themselves healthy and whole. They don’t deserve to be blamed and criticized by sensible people, and they create much merit.”


“Dvīhi, bhikkhave, dhammehi samannāgato bālo abyatto asappuriso khataṁ upahataṁ attānaṁ pariharati, sāvajjo ca hoti sānuvajjo ca viññūnaṁ, bahuñca apuññaṁ pasavati.
“When a foolish, incompetent untrue person has two qualities they keep themselves broken and damaged. They deserve to be blamed and criticized by sensible people, and they create much wickedness.

Katamehi dvīhi?
What two?

Ananuvicca apariyogāhetvā appasādanīye ṭhāne pasādaṁ upadaṁseti,
Without examining or scrutinizing, they arouse faith in things that are dubious,

ananuvicca apariyogāhetvā pasādanīye ṭhāne appasādaṁ upadaṁseti.
and they don’t arouse faith in things that are inspiring.

Imehi kho, bhikkhave, dvīhi dhammehi samannāgato bālo abyatto asappuriso khataṁ upahataṁ attānaṁ pariharati, sāvajjo ca hoti sānuvajjo ca viññūnaṁ, bahuñca apuññaṁ pasavatīti.
When a foolish, incompetent untrue person has these two qualities they keep themselves broken and damaged. They deserve to be blamed and criticized by sensible people, and they create much wickedness.

Dvīhi, bhikkhave, dhammehi samannāgato paṇḍito viyatto sappuriso akkhataṁ anupahataṁ attānaṁ pariharati, anavajjo ca hoti ananuvajjo ca viññūnaṁ, bahuñca puññaṁ pasavati.
When an astute, competent true person has two qualities they keep themselves healthy and whole. They don’t deserve to be blamed and criticized by sensible people, and they create much merit.

Katamehi dvīhi?
What two?

Anuvicca pariyogāhetvā appasādanīye ṭhāne appasādaṁ upadaṁseti,
After examining or scrutinizing, they don’t arouse faith in things that are dubious,

anuvicca pariyogāhetvā pasādanīye ṭhāne pasādaṁ upadaṁseti.
and they do arouse faith in things that are inspiring.

Imehi kho, bhikkhave, dvīhi dhammehi samannāgato paṇḍito viyatto sappuriso akkhataṁ anupahataṁ attānaṁ pariharati, anavajjo ca hoti ananuvajjo ca viññūnaṁ, bahuñca puññaṁ pasavatī”ti.
When an astute, competent true person has these two qualities they keep themselves healthy and whole. They don’t deserve to be blamed and criticized by sensible people, and they create much merit.”


“Dvīsu, bhikkhave, micchāpaṭipajjamāno bālo abyatto asappuriso khataṁ upahataṁ attānaṁ pariharati, sāvajjo ca hoti sānuvajjo ca viññūnaṁ, bahuñca apuññaṁ pasavati.
“When a foolish, incompetent untrue person acts wrongly toward two people they keep themselves broken and damaged. They deserve to be blamed and criticized by sensible people, and they create much wickedness.

Katamesu dvīsu?
What two?

Mātari ca pitari ca.
Mother and father.

Imesu kho, bhikkhave, dvīsu micchāpaṭipajjamāno bālo abyatto asappuriso khataṁ upahataṁ attānaṁ pariharati, sāvajjo ca hoti sānuvajjo ca viññūnaṁ, bahuñca apuññaṁ pasavatīti.
When a foolish, incompetent untrue person acts wrongly toward these two people they keep themselves broken and damaged. They deserve to be blamed and criticized by sensible people, and they create much wickedness.

Dvīsu, bhikkhave, sammāpaṭipajjamāno paṇḍito viyatto sappuriso akkhataṁ anupahataṁ attānaṁ pariharati, anavajjo ca hoti ananuvajjo ca viññūnaṁ, bahuñca puññaṁ pasavati.
When an astute, competent true person acts rightly toward two people they keep themselves healthy and whole. They don’t deserve to be blamed and criticized by sensible people, and they create much merit.

Katamesu dvīsu?
What two?

Mātari ca pitari ca.
Mother and father.

Imesu kho, bhikkhave, dvīsu sammāpaṭipajjamāno paṇḍito viyatto sappuriso akkhataṁ anupahataṁ attānaṁ pariharati, anavajjo ca hoti ananuvajjo ca viññūnaṁ, bahuñca puññaṁ pasavatī”ti.
When an astute, competent true person acts rightly toward these two people they keep themselves healthy and whole. They don’t deserve to be blamed and criticized by sensible people, and they create much merit.”


“Dvīsu, bhikkhave, micchāpaṭipajjamāno bālo abyatto asappuriso khataṁ upahataṁ attānaṁ pariharati, sāvajjo ca hoti sānuvajjo ca viññūnaṁ, bahuñca apuññaṁ pasavati.
“When a foolish, incompetent untrue person acts wrongly toward two people they keep themselves broken and damaged. They deserve to be blamed and criticized by sensible people, and they create much wickedness.

Katamesu dvīsu?
What two?

Tathāgate ca tathāgatasāvake ca.
The Realized One and a disciple of the Realized One.

Imesu kho, bhikkhave, micchāpaṭipajjamāno bālo abyatto asappuriso khataṁ upahataṁ attānaṁ pariharati, sāvajjo ca hoti sānuvajjo ca viññūnaṁ, bahuñca apuññaṁ pasavatīti.
When a foolish, incompetent untrue person acts wrongly toward these people they keep themselves broken and damaged. They deserve to be blamed and criticized by sensible people, and they create much wickedness.

Dvīsu, bhikkhave, sammāpaṭipajjamāno paṇḍito viyatto sappuriso akkhataṁ anupahataṁ attānaṁ pariharati, anavajjo ca hoti ananuvajjo ca viññūnaṁ, bahuñca puññaṁ pasavati.
When an astute, competent true person acts rightly toward two people they keep themselves healthy and whole. They don’t deserve to be blamed and criticized by sensible people, and they create much merit.

Katamesu dvīsu?
What two?

Tathāgate ca tathāgatasāvake ca.
The Realized One and a disciple of the Realized One.

Imesu kho, bhikkhave, dvīsu sammāpaṭipajjamāno paṇḍito viyatto sappuriso akkhataṁ anupahataṁ attānaṁ pariharati, anavajjo ca hoti ananuvajjo ca viññūnaṁ, bahuñca puññaṁ pasavatī”ti.
When an astute, competent true person acts rightly toward these two people they keep themselves healthy and whole. They don’t deserve to be blamed and criticized by sensible people, and they create much merit.”


“Dveme, bhikkhave, dhammā.
“There are these two things.

Katame dve?
What two?

Sacittavodānañca na ca kiñci loke upādiyati.
Cleaning your own mind, and not grasping at anything in the world.

Ime kho, bhikkhave, dve dhammā”ti.
These are the two things.”


“Dveme, bhikkhave, dhammā.
“There are these two things.

Katame dve?
What two?

Kodho ca upanāho ca.
Anger and hostility.

Ime kho, bhikkhave, dve dhammā”ti.
These are the two things.”


“Dveme, bhikkhave, dhammā.
“There are these two things.

Katame dve?
What two?

Kodhavinayo ca upanāhavinayo ca.
Dispelling anger and dispelling hostility.

Ime kho, bhikkhave, dve dhammā”ti.
These are the two things.”

Āyācanavaggo dutiyo.