sutta » an » an2 » Aṅguttara Nikāya 2

Translators: sujato

Numbered Discourses 2.163–179

15. Samāpattivagga
The Chapter on Attainment


“Dveme, bhikkhave, dhammā.
“There are these two things.

Katame dve?
What two?

Samāpattikusalatā ca samāpattivuṭṭhānakusalatā ca.
Skill in meditative attainments and skill in emerging from those attainments.

Ime kho, bhikkhave, dve dhammā”ti.
These are the two things.”


“Dveme, bhikkhave, dhammā.
“There are these two things.

Katame dve?
What two?

Ajjavañca maddavañca.
Integrity and gentleness.

Ime kho, bhikkhave, dve dhammā”.
These are the two things.”


“Dveme, bhikkhave, dhammā.
“There are these two things.

Katame dve?
What two?

Khanti ca soraccañca.
Patience and gentleness.

Ime kho, bhikkhave, dve dhammā”.
These are the two things.”


“Dveme, bhikkhave, dhammā.
“There are these two things.

Katame dve?
What two?

Sākhalyañca paṭisanthāro ca.
Friendliness and hospitality.

Ime kho, bhikkhave, dve dhammā”.
These are the two things.”


“Dveme, bhikkhave, dhammā.
“There are these two things.

Katame dve?
What two?

Avihiṁsā ca soceyyañca.
Harmlessness and purity.

Ime kho, bhikkhave, dve dhammā”.
These are the two things.”


“Dveme, bhikkhave, dhammā.
“There are these two things.

Katame dve?
What two?

Indriyesu aguttadvāratā ca bhojane amattaññutā ca.
Not guarding the sense doors and eating too much.

Ime kho, bhikkhave, dve dhammā”.
These are the two things.”


“Dveme, bhikkhave, dhammā.
“There are these two things.

Katame dve?
What two?

Indriyesu guttadvāratā ca bhojane mattaññutā ca.
Guarding the sense doors and moderation in eating.

Ime kho, bhikkhave, dve dhammā”.
These are the two things.”


“Dveme, bhikkhave, dhammā.
“There are these two things.

Katame dve?
What two?

Paṭisaṅkhānabalañca bhāvanābalañca.
The power of reflection and the power of development.

Ime kho, bhikkhave, dve dhammā”.
These are the two things.”


“Dveme, bhikkhave, dhammā.
“There are these two things.

Katame dve?
What two?

Satibalañca samādhibalañca.
The power of mindfulness and the power of immersion.

Ime kho, bhikkhave, dve dhammā”.
These are the two things.”


“Dveme, bhikkhave, dhammā.
“There are these two things.

Katame dve?
What two?

Samatho ca vipassanā ca.
Serenity and discernment.

Ime kho, bhikkhave, dve dhammā”.
These are the two things.”


“Dveme, bhikkhave, dhammā.
“There are these two things.

Katame dve?
What two?

Sīlavipatti ca diṭṭhivipatti ca.
Failure in ethical conduct and failure in view.

Ime kho, bhikkhave, dve dhammā”.
These are the two things.”


“Dveme, bhikkhave, dhammā.
“There are these two things.

Katame dve?
What two?

Sīlasampadā ca diṭṭhisampadā ca.
Accomplishment in ethical conduct and accomplishment in view.

Ime kho, bhikkhave, dve dhammā”.
These are the two things.”


“Dveme, bhikkhave, dhammā.
“There are these two things.

Katame dve?
What two?

Sīlavisuddhi ca diṭṭhivisuddhi ca.
Purification of ethics and purification of view.

Ime kho, bhikkhave, dve dhammā”.
These are the two things.”


“Dveme, bhikkhave, dhammā.
“There are these two things.

Katame dve?
What two?

Diṭṭhivisuddhi ca yathādiṭṭhissa ca padhānaṁ.
Purification of view and making an effort in line with that view.

Ime kho, bhikkhave, dve dhammā”.
These are the two things.”


“Dveme, bhikkhave, dhammā.
“There are these two things.

Katame dve?
What two?

Asantuṭṭhitā ca kusalesu dhammesu, appaṭivānitā ca padhānasmiṁ.
To never be content with skillful qualities, and to never stop trying.

Ime kho, bhikkhave, dve dhammā”.
These are the two things.”


“Dveme, bhikkhave, dhammā.
“There are these two things.

Katame dve?
What two?

Muṭṭhassaccañca asampajaññañca.
Lack of mindfulness and lack of situational awareness.

Ime kho, bhikkhave, dve dhammā”.
These are the two things.”


“Dveme, bhikkhave, dhammā.
“There are these two things.

Katame dve?
What two?

Sati ca sampajaññañca.
Mindfulness and situational awareness.

Ime kho, bhikkhave, dve dhammā”ti.
These are the two things.”

Samāpattivaggo pañcamo.

Tatiyo paṇṇāsako samatto.