sutta » an » an2 » Aṅguttara Nikāya 2

Translators: sujato

Numbered Discourses 2

19. Rāgapeyyāla
The Chapter of Abbreviated Texts Beginning with Greed


“Rāgassa, bhikkhave, abhiññāya dve dhammā bhāvetabbā.
“For insight into greed, two things should be developed.

Katame dve?
What two?

Samatho ca vipassanā ca.
Serenity and discernment.

Rāgassa, bhikkhave, abhiññāya ime dve dhammā bhāvetabbā”ti.
For insight into greed, these two things should be developed.”

“Rāgassa, bhikkhave, pariññāya … parikkhayāya … pahānāya … khayāya … vayāya … virāgāya … nirodhāya … cāgāya … paṭinissaggāya dve dhammā bhāvetabbā …pe…
“For the complete understanding … finishing … giving up … ending … vanishing … fading away … cessation … giving away … letting go of greed, two things should be developed.”


“Dosassa …pe… mohassa … kodhassa … upanāhassa … makkhassa … paḷāsassa … issāya … macchariyassa … māyāya … sāṭheyyassa … thambhassa … sārambhassa … mānassa … atimānassa … madassa … pamādassa … abhiññāya … pariññāya … parikkhayāya … pahānāya … khayāya … vayāya … virāgāya … nirodhāya … cāgāya … paṭinissaggāya dve dhammā bhāvetabbā.
“Of hate … delusion … anger … hostility … disdain … contempt … jealousy … stinginess … deceit … deviousness … obstinacy … aggression … conceit … arrogance … vanity … negligence … for insight … complete understanding … finishing … giving up … ending … vanishing … fading away … cessation … giving away … letting go … two things should be developed.

Katame dve?
What two?

Samatho ca vipassanā ca.
Serenity and discernment.

Pamādassa, bhikkhave, paṭinissaggāya ime dve dhammā bhāvetabbā”ti.
For the letting go of negligence, these two things should be developed.”

Idamavoca bhagavā.
That is what the Buddha said.

Attamanā te bhikkhū bhagavato bhāsitaṁ abhinandunti.
Satisfied, the mendicants approved what the Buddha said.

Rāgapeyyālaṁ niṭṭhitaṁ.

Dukanipātapāḷi niṭṭhitā.
The Book of the Twos is finished.