sutta » an » an3 » Aṅguttara Nikāya 3.18

Translators: sujato

Numbered Discourses 3.18

2. Rathakāravagga
2. The Chariot-Maker


The Realm of the Gods

“Sace vo, bhikkhave, aññatitthiyā paribbājakā evaṁ puccheyyuṁ:
“Mendicants, if wanderers who follow another religion were to ask you:

‘devalokūpapattiyā, āvuso, samaṇe gotame brahmacariyaṁ vussathā’ti?
‘Reverend, do you lead the spiritual life with the ascetic Gotama so that you can be reborn in the realm of the gods?’

Nanu tumhe, bhikkhave, evaṁ puṭṭhā aṭṭīyeyyātha harāyeyyātha jiguccheyyāthā”ti?
Being questioned like this, wouldn’t you be horrified, repelled, and disgusted?”

“Evaṁ, bhante”.
“Yes, sir.”

“Iti kira tumhe, bhikkhave, dibbena āyunā aṭṭīyatha harāyatha jigucchatha, dibbena vaṇṇena dibbena sukhena dibbena yasena dibbenādhipateyyena aṭṭīyatha harāyatha jigucchatha;
“So it seems that you are horrified, repelled, and disgusted by divine lifespan, beauty, happiness, fame, and sovereignty.

pageva kho pana, bhikkhave, tumhehi kāyaduccaritena aṭṭīyitabbaṁ harāyitabbaṁ jigucchitabbaṁ, vacīduccaritena … manoduccaritena aṭṭīyitabbaṁ harāyitabbaṁ jigucchitabban”ti.
How much more then should you be horrified, embarrassed, and disgusted by bad conduct by way of body, speech, and mind.”
