sutta » an » an3 » Aṅguttara Nikāya 3.99

Translators: sujato

Numbered Discourses 3.99

10. Loṇakapallavagga
10. A Lump of Salt



“Navopi, bhikkhave, potthako dubbaṇṇo ca hoti dukkhasamphasso ca appaggho ca;
“Jute canvas is ugly, unpleasant to touch, and worthless whether it’s new, worn in, or worn out.

majjhimopi, bhikkhave, potthako dubbaṇṇo ca hoti dukkhasamphasso ca appaggho ca;

jiṇṇopi, bhikkhave, potthako dubbaṇṇo ca hoti dukkhasamphasso ca appaggho ca.

Jiṇṇampi, bhikkhave, potthakaṁ ukkhaliparimajjanaṁ vā karonti saṅkārakūṭe vā naṁ chaḍḍenti.
They use worn out jute canvas for scrubbing pots, or else they just throw it away on the rubbish heap.

Evamevaṁ kho, bhikkhave, navo cepi bhikkhu hoti dussīlo pāpadhammo.
In the same way, if a junior mendicant is unethical, of bad character,

Idamassa dubbaṇṇatāya vadāmi.
this is how they’re ugly, I say.

Seyyathāpi so, bhikkhave, potthako dubbaṇṇo tathūpamāhaṁ, bhikkhave, imaṁ puggalaṁ vadāmi.
That person is just as ugly as jute canvas.

Ye kho panassa sevanti bhajanti payirupāsanti diṭṭhānugatiṁ āpajjanti, tesaṁ taṁ hoti dīgharattaṁ ahitāya dukkhāya.
If you associate with, accompany, and attend to that person, following their example, it’ll be for your lasting harm and suffering.

Idamassa dukkhasamphassatāya vadāmi.
This is how they’re unpleasant to touch, I say.

Seyyathāpi so, bhikkhave, potthako dukkhasamphasso tathūpamāhaṁ, bhikkhave, imaṁ puggalaṁ vadāmi.
That person is just as unpleasant to touch as jute canvas.

Yesaṁ kho pana so paṭiggaṇhāti cīvarapiṇḍapātasenāsanagilānappaccayabhesajjaparikkhāraṁ, tesaṁ taṁ na mahapphalaṁ hoti na mahānisaṁsaṁ.
Any robes, almsfood, lodgings, and medicines and supplies for the sick that they receive are not very fruitful or beneficial for the donor.

Idamassa appagghatāya vadāmi.
This is how they’re worthless, I say.

Seyyathāpi so, bhikkhave, potthako appaggho tathūpamāhaṁ, bhikkhave, imaṁ puggalaṁ vadāmi.
That person is just as worthless as jute canvas.

Majjhimo cepi, bhikkhave, bhikkhu hoti …pe…
If a middle mendicant is unethical, of bad character, this is how they’re ugly, I say. …

thero cepi, bhikkhave, bhikkhu hoti dussīlo pāpadhammo, idamassa dubbaṇṇatāya vadāmi.
If a senior mendicant is unethical, of bad character, this is how they’re ugly, I say. …

Seyyathāpi so, bhikkhave, potthako dubbaṇṇo tathūpamāhaṁ, bhikkhave, imaṁ puggalaṁ vadāmi.

Ye kho panassa sevanti bhajanti payirupāsanti diṭṭhānugatiṁ āpajjanti, tesaṁ taṁ hoti dīgharattaṁ ahitāya dukkhāya.
If you associate with, accompany, and attend to that person, following their example, it’ll be for your lasting harm and suffering. …

Idamassa dukkhasamphassatāya vadāmi.

Seyyathāpi so, bhikkhave, potthako dukkhasamphasso tathūpamāhaṁ, bhikkhave, imaṁ puggalaṁ vadāmi.

Yesaṁ kho pana so paṭiggaṇhāti cīvarapiṇḍapātasenāsanagilānappaccayabhesajjaparikkhāraṁ, tesaṁ taṁ na mahapphalaṁ hoti na mahānisaṁsaṁ.

Idamassa appagghatāya vadāmi.

Seyyathāpi so, bhikkhave, potthako appaggho tathūpamāhaṁ, bhikkhave, imaṁ puggalaṁ vadāmi.

Evarūpo cāyaṁ, bhikkhave, thero bhikkhu saṅghamajjhe bhaṇati.
If such a senior mendicant speaks among the Saṅgha,

Tamenaṁ bhikkhū evamāhaṁsu:
the mendicants say:

‘kiṁ nu kho tuyhaṁ bālassa abyattassa bhaṇitena,
‘What’s an incompetent fool like you got to say?

tvampi nāma bhaṇitabbaṁ maññasī’ti.
How on earth could you imagine you’ve got something worth saying!’

So kupito anattamano tathārūpiṁ vācaṁ nicchāreti yathārūpāya vācāya saṅgho taṁ ukkhipati, saṅkārakūṭeva naṁ potthakaṁ.
That person becomes angry and upset, and blurts out things that make the Saṅgha throw them out, as if they were throwing jute canvas away on the rubbish heap.

Navampi, bhikkhave, kāsikaṁ vatthaṁ vaṇṇavantañceva hoti sukhasamphassañca mahagghañca; majjhimampi, bhikkhave, kāsikaṁ vatthaṁ vaṇṇavantañceva hoti sukhasamphassañca mahagghañca; jiṇṇampi, bhikkhave, kāsikaṁ vatthaṁ vaṇṇavantañceva hoti sukhasamphassañca mahagghañca.
Cloth from Kāsi is beautiful, pleasant to touch, and valuable whether it’s new, worn in, or worn out.

Jiṇṇampi, bhikkhave, kāsikaṁ vatthaṁ ratanapaliveṭhanaṁ vā karoti gandhakaraṇḍake vā naṁ pakkhipanti.
They use worn out cloth from Kāsi for wrapping, or else they place it in a fragrant casket.

Evamevaṁ kho, bhikkhave, navo cepi bhikkhu hoti sīlavā kalyāṇadhammo, idamassa suvaṇṇatāya vadāmi.
In the same way, if a junior mendicant is ethical, of good character, this is how they’re beautiful, I say.

Seyyathāpi taṁ, bhikkhave, kāsikaṁ vatthaṁ vaṇṇavantaṁ tathūpamāhaṁ, bhikkhave, imaṁ puggalaṁ vadāmi.
That person is just as beautiful as cloth from Kāsi.

Ye kho panassa sevanti bhajanti payirupāsanti diṭṭhānugatiṁ āpajjanti, tesaṁ taṁ hoti dīgharattaṁ hitāya sukhāya.
If you associate with, accompany, and attend to such a person, following their example, it will be for your lasting welfare and happiness.

Idamassa sukhasamphassatāya vadāmi.
This is how they’re pleasant to touch, I say.

Seyyathāpi taṁ, bhikkhave, kāsikaṁ vatthaṁ sukhasamphassaṁ tathūpamāhaṁ, bhikkhave, imaṁ puggalaṁ vadāmi.
That person is just as pleasant to touch as cloth from Kāsi.

Yesaṁ kho pana so paṭiggaṇhāti cīvarapiṇḍapātasenāsanagilānappaccayabhesajjaparikkhāraṁ, tesaṁ taṁ mahapphalaṁ hoti mahānisaṁsaṁ.
Any robes, almsfood, lodgings, and medicines and supplies for the sick that they receive are very fruitful and beneficial for the donor.

Idamassa mahagghatāya vadāmi.
This is how they’re valuable, I say.

Seyyathāpi taṁ, bhikkhave, kāsikaṁ vatthaṁ mahagghaṁ tathūpamāhaṁ, bhikkhave, imaṁ puggalaṁ vadāmi.
That person is just as valuable as cloth from Kāsi.

Majjhimo cepi, bhikkhave, bhikkhu hoti …pe…
If a middle mendicant is ethical, of good character, this is how they’re beautiful, I say. …

thero cepi, bhikkhave, bhikkhu hoti …pe… puggalaṁ vadāmi.
If a senior mendicant is ethical, of good character, this is how they’re beautiful, I say. …

Evarūpo cāyaṁ, bhikkhave, thero bhikkhu saṅghamajjhe bhaṇati.
If such a senior mendicant speaks in the midst of the Saṅgha,

Tamenaṁ bhikkhū evamāhaṁsu:
the mendicants say:

‘appasaddā āyasmanto hotha, thero bhikkhu dhammañca vinayañca bhaṇatī’ti.
‘Venerables, be quiet! The senior mendicant is speaking on the teaching and training.’

Tasmātiha, bhikkhave, evaṁ sikkhitabbaṁ:
So you should train like this:

‘kāsikavatthūpamā bhavissāma, na potthakūpamā’ti.
‘We will be like cloth from Kāsi, not like jute canvas.’

Evañhi vo, bhikkhave, sikkhitabban”ti.
That’s how you should train.”
