sutta » an » an3 » Aṅguttara Nikāya 3.130

Translators: sujato

Numbered Discourses 3.130

13. Kusināravagga
13. Kusinārā


With Anuruddha (2nd)

Atha kho āyasmā anuruddho yenāyasmā sāriputto tenupasaṅkami; upasaṅkamitvā āyasmatā sāriputtena saddhiṁ sammodi.
Then Venerable Anuruddha went up to Venerable Sāriputta, and exchanged greetings with him.

Sammodanīyaṁ kathaṁ sāraṇīyaṁ vītisāretvā ekamantaṁ nisīdi. Ekamantaṁ nisinno kho āyasmā anuruddho āyasmantaṁ sāriputtaṁ etadavoca:
When the greetings and polite conversation were over, he sat down to one side and said to him:

“idhāhaṁ, āvuso sāriputta, dibbena cakkhunā visuddhena atikkantamānusakena sahassaṁ lokaṁ olokemi.
“Here’s the thing, Reverend Sāriputta. With clairvoyance that is purified and surpasses the human, I survey the thousandfold galaxy.

Āraddhaṁ kho pana me vīriyaṁ asallīnaṁ, upaṭṭhitā sati asammuṭṭhā, passaddho kāyo asāraddho, samāhitaṁ cittaṁ ekaggaṁ.
My energy is roused up and unflagging, my mindfulness is established and lucid, my body is tranquil and undisturbed, and my mind is immersed in samādhi.

Atha ca pana me nānupādāya āsavehi cittaṁ vimuccatī”ti.
But my mind is not freed from the defilements by not grasping.”

“Yaṁ kho te, āvuso anuruddha, evaṁ hoti:
“Well, Reverend Anuruddha, when you say:

‘ahaṁ dibbena cakkhunā visuddhena atikkantamānusakena sahassaṁ lokaṁ volokemī’ti, idaṁ te mānasmiṁ.
‘With clairvoyance that is purified and surpasses the human, I survey the entire galaxy,’ that’s your conceit.

Yampi te, āvuso anuruddha, evaṁ hoti:
And when you say:

‘āraddhaṁ kho pana me vīriyaṁ asallīnaṁ, upaṭṭhitā sati asammuṭṭhā, passaddho kāyo asāraddho, samāhitaṁ cittaṁ ekaggan’ti, idaṁ te uddhaccasmiṁ.
‘My energy is roused up and unflagging, my mindfulness is established and lucid, my body is tranquil and undisturbed, and my mind is immersed in samādhi,’ that’s your restlessness.

Yampi te, āvuso anuruddha, evaṁ hoti:
And when you say:

‘atha ca pana me nānupādāya āsavehi cittaṁ vimuccatī’ti, idaṁ te kukkuccasmiṁ.
‘But my mind is not freed from the defilements by not grasping,’ that’s your remorse.

Sādhu vatāyasmā anuruddho ime tayo dhamme pahāya, ime tayo dhamme amanasikaritvā amatāya dhātuyā cittaṁ upasaṁharatū”ti.
It would be good to give up these three things. Ignore them and apply your mind to freedom from death.”

Atha kho āyasmā anuruddho aparena samayena ime tayo dhamme pahāya, ime tayo dhamme amanasikaritvā amatāya dhātuyā cittaṁ upasaṁhari.
After some time Anuruddha gave up these three things. Ignoring them, he applied his mind to freedom from death.

Atha kho āyasmā anuruddho eko vūpakaṭṭho appamatto ātāpī pahitatto viharanto nacirasseva—yassatthāya kulaputtā sammadeva agārasmā anagāriyaṁ pabbajanti, tadanuttaraṁ—brahmacariyapariyosānaṁ diṭṭheva dhamme sayaṁ abhiññā sacchikatvā upasampajja vihāsi.
Then Anuruddha, living alone, withdrawn, diligent, keen, and resolute, soon realized the supreme culmination of the spiritual path in this very life. He lived having achieved with his own insight the goal for which gentlemen rightly go forth from the lay life to homelessness.

“Khīṇā jāti, vusitaṁ brahmacariyaṁ, kataṁ karaṇīyaṁ, nāparaṁ itthattāyā”ti abbhaññāsi.
He understood: “Rebirth is ended; the spiritual journey has been completed; what had to be done has been done; there is no return to any state of existence.”

Aññataro ca panāyasmā anuruddho arahataṁ ahosīti.
And Venerable Anuruddha became one of the perfected.
