sutta » an » an4 » Aṅguttara Nikāya 4.5

Translators: sujato

Numbered Discourses 4.5

1. Bhaṇḍagāmavagga
1. At Wares Village


With the Stream

“Cattārome, bhikkhave, puggalā santo saṁvijjamānā lokasmiṁ.
“These four people are found in the world.

Katame cattāro?
What four?

Anusotagāmī puggalo, paṭisotagāmī puggalo, ṭhitatto puggalo, tiṇṇo pāraṅgato thale tiṭṭhati brāhmaṇo.
A person who goes with the stream; a person who goes against the stream; a steadfast person; and a brahmin who has crossed over and stands on the far shore.

Katamo ca, bhikkhave, anusotagāmī puggalo?
And who is the person who goes with the stream?

Idha, bhikkhave, ekacco puggalo kāme ca paṭisevati, pāpañca kammaṁ karoti.
It’s a person who takes part in sensual pleasures and does bad deeds.

Ayaṁ vuccati, bhikkhave, anusotagāmī puggalo.
This is called a person who goes with the stream.

Katamo ca, bhikkhave, paṭisotagāmī puggalo?
And who is the person who goes against the stream?

Idha, bhikkhave, ekacco puggalo kāme ca nappaṭisevati, pāpañca kammaṁ na karoti, sahāpi dukkhena sahāpi domanassena assumukhopi rudamāno paripuṇṇaṁ parisuddhaṁ brahmacariyaṁ carati.
It’s a person who doesn’t take part in sensual pleasures or do bad deeds. They live the full and pure spiritual life in pain and sadness, weeping, with tearful faces.

Ayaṁ vuccati, bhikkhave, paṭisotagāmī puggalo.
This is called a person who goes against the stream.

Katamo ca, bhikkhave, ṭhitatto puggalo?
And who is the steadfast person?

Idha, bhikkhave, ekacco puggalo pañcannaṁ orambhāgiyānaṁ saṁyojanānaṁ parikkhayā opapātiko hoti, tattha parinibbāyī, anāvattidhammo tasmā lokā.
It’s a person who, with the ending of the five lower fetters, is reborn spontaneously. They’re extinguished there, and are not liable to return from that world.

Ayaṁ vuccati, bhikkhave, ṭhitatto puggalo.
This is called a steadfast person.

Katamo ca, bhikkhave, puggalo tiṇṇo pāraṅgato thale tiṭṭhati brāhmaṇo?
And who is a brahmin who has crossed over and stands on the far shore?

Idha, bhikkhave, ekacco puggalo āsavānaṁ khayā anāsavaṁ cetovimuttiṁ paññāvimuttiṁ diṭṭheva dhamme sayaṁ abhiññā sacchikatvā upasampajja viharati.
It’s a person who realizes the undefiled freedom of heart and freedom by wisdom in this very life. And they live having realized it with their own insight due to the ending of defilements.

Ayaṁ vuccati, bhikkhave, puggalo tiṇṇo pāraṅgato thale tiṭṭhati brāhmaṇo.
This is called a brahmin who has crossed over and stands on the far shore.

Ime kho, bhikkhave, cattāro puggalā santo saṁvijjamānā lokasminti.
These are the four people found in the world.

Ye keci kāmesu asaññatā janā,
All those people with unbridled sensuality,

Avītarāgā idha kāmabhogino;
not free of lust, enjoying sensual pleasures in this life:

Punappunaṁ jātijarūpagāmi te,
again and again, they return to birth and old age;

Taṇhādhipannā anusotagāmino.
those who go with the stream are sunk in craving.

Tasmā hi dhīro idhupaṭṭhitassatī,
So a wise one in this life, <j>with mindfulness established,

Kāme ca pāpe ca asevamāno;
doesn’t take part in sensual pleasures and bad deeds.

Sahāpi dukkhena jaheyya kāme,
In pain they’d give up sensual pleasures:

Paṭisotagāmīti tamāhu puggalaṁ.
they call that person <j>‘one who goes against the stream’.

Yo ve kilesāni pahāya pañca,
Someone who’s given up five corruptions,

Paripuṇṇasekho aparihānadhammo;
a perfect trainee, not liable to decline,

Cetovasippatto samāhitindriyo,
who’s mastered their mind, <j>with faculties immersed in samādhi,

Sa ve ṭhitattoti naro pavuccati.
that’s called ‘a steadfast person’.

Paroparā yassa samecca dhammā,
The sage who has comprehended all things, <j>high and low,

Vidhūpitā atthagatā na santi;
cleared them and ended them, so they are no more;

Sa ve muni vusitabrahmacariyo,
they’ve completed the spiritual journey, <j>and gone to the end of the world,

Lokantagū pāragatoti vuccatī”ti.
they’re called ‘one who has gone beyond’.”
