sutta » an » an4 » Aṅguttara Nikāya 4.32

Translators: sujato

Numbered Discourses 4.32

4. Cakkavagga
4. Situations



“Cattārimāni, bhikkhave, saṅgahavatthūni.
“Mendicants, there are these four ways of being inclusive.

Katamāni cattāri?
What four?

Dānaṁ, peyyavajjaṁ, atthacariyā, samānattatā—
Giving, kindly words, taking care, and equality.

Imāni kho, bhikkhave, cattāri saṅgahavatthūnīti.
These are the four ways of being inclusive.

Dānañca peyyavajjañca,
Giving and kindly words,

atthacariyā ca yā idha;
taking care here,

Samānattatā ca dhammesu,
and equality in worldly conditions,

tattha tattha yathārahaṁ;
in each case as they deserve.

Ete kho saṅgahā loke,
These ways of being inclusive in the world

rathassāṇīva yāyato.
are like a moving chariot’s linchpin.

Ete ca saṅgahā nāssu,
If there were no such ways of being inclusive,

na mātā puttakāraṇā;
neither mother nor father

Labhetha mānaṁ pūjaṁ vā,
would be respected and honored

pitā vā puttakāraṇā.
for what they’ve done for their children.

Yasmā ca saṅgahā ete,
But since these ways of being inclusive do exist,

samavekkhanti paṇḍitā;
the astute do regard them well,

Tasmā mahattaṁ papponti,
so they achieve greatness

pāsaṁsā ca bhavanti te”ti.
and are praised.”
