sutta » an » an4 » Aṅguttara Nikāya 4.128

Translators: sujato

Numbered Discourses 4.128

13. Bhayavagga
13. Fears


Incredible Things About the Realized One (2nd)

“Tathāgatassa, bhikkhave, arahato sammāsambuddhassa pātubhāvā cattāro acchariyā abbhutā dhammā pātubhavanti.
“Mendicants, with the appearance of a Realized One, the perfected one, the fully awakened Buddha, four incredible and amazing things appear.

Katame cattāro?
What four?

Ālayārāmā, bhikkhave, pajā ālayaratā ālayasammuditā;
People like clinging, they love it and enjoy it.

sā tathāgatena anālaye dhamme desiyamāne sussūsati sotaṁ odahati aññā cittaṁ upaṭṭhapeti.
Yet when a Realized One is teaching the Dhamma of non-clinging, they want to listen, they actively listen, and they try to understand.

Tathāgatassa, bhikkhave, arahato sammāsambuddhassa pātubhāvā ayaṁ paṭhamo acchariyo abbhuto dhammo pātubhavati.
This is the first incredible and amazing thing that appears with the appearance of a Realized One.

Mānārāmā, bhikkhave, pajā mānaratā mānasammuditā.
People like conceit, they love it and enjoy it.

Sā tathāgatena mānavinaye dhamme desiyamāne sussūsati sotaṁ odahati aññā cittaṁ upaṭṭhapeti.
Yet when a Realized One is teaching the Dhamma of removing conceit, they want to listen, they actively listen, and they try to understand.

Tathāgatassa, bhikkhave, arahato sammāsambuddhassa pātubhāvā ayaṁ dutiyo acchariyo abbhuto dhammo pātubhavati.
This is the second incredible and amazing thing that appears with the appearance of a Realized One.

Anupasamārāmā, bhikkhave, pajā anupasamaratā anupasamasammuditā.
People like excitement, they love it and enjoy it.

Sā tathāgatena opasamike dhamme desiyamāne sussūsati sotaṁ odahati aññā cittaṁ upaṭṭhapeti.
Yet when a Realized One is teaching the Dhamma of peace, they want to listen, they actively listen, and they try to understand.

Tathāgatassa, bhikkhave, arahato sammāsambuddhassa pātubhāvā ayaṁ tatiyo acchariyo abbhuto dhammo pātubhavati.
This is the third incredible and amazing thing that appears with the appearance of a Realized One.

Avijjāgatā, bhikkhave, pajā aṇḍabhūtā pariyonaddhā.
This population is lost in ignorance, trapped in their shells.

Sā tathāgatena avijjāvinaye dhamme desiyamāne sussūsati sotaṁ odahati aññā cittaṁ upaṭṭhapeti.
Yet when a Realized One is teaching the Dhamma of removing ignorance, they want to listen, they actively listen, and they try to understand.

Tathāgatassa, bhikkhave, arahato sammāsambuddhassa pātubhāvā ayaṁ catuttho acchariyo abbhuto dhammo pātubhavati.
This is the fourth incredible and amazing thing that appears with the appearance of a Realized One.

Tathāgatassa, bhikkhave, arahato sammāsambuddhassa pātubhāvā ime cattāro acchariyā abbhutā dhammā pātubhavantī”ti.
With the appearance of a Realized One, the perfected one, the fully awakened Buddha, four incredible and amazing things appear.”
