sutta » an » an4 » Aṅguttara Nikāya 4.170

Translators: sujato

Numbered Discourses 4.170

17. Paṭipadāvagga
17. Practice


In Conjunction

Evaṁ me sutaṁ—
So I have heard.

ekaṁ samayaṁ āyasmā ānando kosambiyaṁ viharati ghositārāme.
At one time Venerable Ānanda was staying near Kosambī, in Ghosita’s Monastery.

Tatra kho āyasmā ānando bhikkhū āmantesi:
There Ānanda addressed the mendicants:

“āvuso bhikkhave”ti.
“Reverends, mendicants!”

“Āvuso”ti kho te bhikkhū āyasmato ānandassa paccassosuṁ.
“Reverend,” they replied.

Āyasmā ānando etadavoca:
Ānanda said this:

“Yo hi koci, āvuso, bhikkhu vā bhikkhunī vā mama santike arahattappattiṁ byākaroti, sabbo so catūhi maggehi, etesaṁ vā aññatarena.
“Reverends, all of the monks and nuns who declare in my presence that they have attained perfection, did so by one or other of four paths.

Katamehi catūhi?
What four?

Idha, āvuso, bhikkhu samathapubbaṅgamaṁ vipassanaṁ bhāveti.
Take a mendicant who develops serenity before discernment.

Tassa samathapubbaṅgamaṁ vipassanaṁ bhāvayato maggo sañjāyati.
As they do so, the path is born in them.

So taṁ maggaṁ āsevati bhāveti bahulīkaroti.
They cultivate, develop, and make much of it.

Tassa taṁ maggaṁ āsevato bhāvayato bahulīkaroto saṁyojanāni pahīyanti, anusayā byantīhonti.
By doing so, they give up the fetters and eliminate the underlying tendencies.

Puna caparaṁ, āvuso, bhikkhu vipassanāpubbaṅgamaṁ samathaṁ bhāveti.
Another mendicant develops discernment before serenity.

Tassa vipassanāpubbaṅgamaṁ samathaṁ bhāvayato maggo sañjāyati.
As they do so, the path is born in them.

So taṁ maggaṁ āsevati bhāveti bahulīkaroti.
They cultivate, develop, and make much of it.

Tassa taṁ maggaṁ āsevato bhāvayato bahulīkaroto saṁyojanāni pahīyanti, anusayā byantīhonti.
By doing so, they give up the fetters and eliminate the underlying tendencies.

Puna caparaṁ, āvuso, bhikkhu samathavipassanaṁ yuganaddhaṁ bhāveti.
Another mendicant develops serenity and discernment in conjunction.

Tassa samathavipassanaṁ yuganaddhaṁ bhāvayato maggo sañjāyati.
As they do so, the path is born in them.

So taṁ maggaṁ āsevati bhāveti bahulīkaroti.
They cultivate, develop, and make much of it.

Tassa taṁ maggaṁ āsevato bhāvayato bahulīkaroto saṁyojanāni pahīyanti, anusayā byantīhonti.
By doing so, they give up the fetters and eliminate the underlying tendencies.

Puna caparaṁ, āvuso, bhikkhuno dhammuddhaccaviggahitaṁ mānasaṁ hoti.
Another mendicant’s mind is seized by restlessness to realize the teaching.

Hoti so, āvuso, samayo yaṁ taṁ cittaṁ ajjhattameva santiṭṭhati sannisīdati ekodi hoti samādhiyati.
But there comes a time when their mind is stilled internally; it settles, unifies, and becomes immersed in samādhi.

Tassa maggo sañjāyati.
The path is born in them.

So taṁ maggaṁ āsevati bhāveti bahulīkaroti.
They cultivate, develop, and make much of it.

Tassa taṁ maggaṁ āsevato bhāvayato bahulīkaroto saṁyojanāni pahīyanti, anusayā byantīhonti.
By doing so, they give up the fetters and eliminate the underlying tendencies.

Yo hi koci, āvuso, bhikkhu vā bhikkhunī vā mama santike arahattappattiṁ byākaroti, sabbo so imehi catūhi maggehi, etesaṁ vā aññatarenā”ti.
All of the monks and nuns who declare in my presence that they have attained perfection, did so by one or other of these four paths.”


Paṭipadāvaggo dutiyo.


Saṅkhittaṁ vitthārāsubhaṁ,

Dve khamā ubhayena ca;

Moggallāno sāriputto,

Sasaṅkhāraṁ yuganaddhena cāti.