sutta » an » an4 » Aṅguttara Nikāya 4.228

Translators: sujato

Numbered Discourses 4.228

23. Duccaritavagga
23. Bad Conduct


Kinds of Expression (2nd)

…pe… Diṭṭhe adiṭṭhavādī hoti, sute asutavādī hoti, mute amutavādī hoti, viññāte aviññātavādī hoti …pe… diṭṭhe diṭṭhavādī hoti, sute sutavādī hoti, mute mutavādī hoti, viññāte viññātavādī hoti …pe….
“A foolish person … creates much wickedness. … They say they haven’t seen, heard, thought, or known something, but they have. … An astute person … creates much merit. … They say they’ve seen, heard, thought, or known something, and they have. …”
