sutta » an » an4 » Aṅguttara Nikāya 4.258

Translators: sujato

Numbered Discourses 4.258

26. Abhiññāvagga
26. Insight



“Yāni kānici, bhikkhave, kulāni bhogesu mahattaṁ pattāni na ciraṭṭhitikāni bhavanti, sabbāni tāni catūhi ṭhānehi, etesaṁ vā aññatarena.
“Mendicants, when families don’t stay wealthy for long, it’s always for one or more of these four reasons.

Katamehi catūhi?
What four?

Naṭṭhaṁ na gavesanti, jiṇṇaṁ na paṭisaṅkharonti, aparimitapānabhojanā honti, dussīlaṁ itthiṁ vā purisaṁ vā ādhipacce ṭhapenti.
They don’t look for what’s lost; they don’t fix old things; they eat and drink too much; or they put an unethical woman or man in charge.

Yāni kānici, bhikkhave, kulāni bhogesu mahattaṁ pattāni na ciraṭṭhitikāni bhavanti, sabbāni tāni imehi catūhi ṭhānehi, etesaṁ vā aññatarena.
When families don’t stay wealthy for long, it’s always for one or more of these four reasons.

Yāni kānici, bhikkhave, kulāni bhogesu mahattaṁ pattāni ciraṭṭhitikāni bhavanti, sabbāni tāni catūhi ṭhānehi, etesaṁ vā aññatarena.
When families do stay wealthy for long, it’s always for one or more of these four reasons.

Katamehi catūhi?
What four?

Naṭṭhaṁ gavesanti, jiṇṇaṁ paṭisaṅkharonti, parimitapānabhojanā honti, sīlavantaṁ itthiṁ vā purisaṁ vā ādhipacce ṭhapenti.
They look for what’s lost; they fix old things; they eat and drink in moderation; and they put an ethical woman or man in charge.

Yāni kānici, bhikkhave, kulāni bhogesu mahattaṁ pattāni ciraṭṭhitikāni bhavanti, sabbāni tāni imehi catūhi ṭhānehi, etesaṁ vā aññatarenā”ti.
When families do stay wealthy for long, it’s always for one or more of these four reasons.”
