sutta » an » an4 » Aṅguttara Nikāya 4.264

Translators: sujato

Numbered Discourses 4.264

27. Kammapathavagga
27. Ways of Performing Deeds


Killing Living Creatures

“Catūhi, bhikkhave, dhammehi samannāgato yathābhataṁ nikkhitto evaṁ niraye.
“Mendicants, someone with four qualities is cast down to hell.

Katamehi catūhi?
What four?

Attanā ca pāṇātipātī hoti, parañca pāṇātipāte samādapeti, pāṇātipāte ca samanuñño hoti, pāṇātipātassa ca vaṇṇaṁ bhāsati—
They themselves kill living creatures; they encourage others to kill living creatures; they approve of killing living creatures; and they praise killing living creatures.

imehi kho, bhikkhave, catūhi dhammehi samannāgato yathābhataṁ nikkhitto evaṁ niraye.
Someone with these four qualities is cast down to hell.

Catūhi, bhikkhave, dhammehi samannāgato yathābhataṁ nikkhitto evaṁ sagge.
Someone with four qualities is raised up to heaven.

Katamehi catūhi?
What four?

Attanā ca pāṇātipātā paṭivirato hoti, parañca pāṇātipātā veramaṇiyā samādapeti, pāṇātipātā veramaṇiyā ca samanuñño hoti, pāṇātipātā veramaṇiyā ca vaṇṇaṁ bhāsati—
They don’t themselves kill living creatures; they encourage others to not kill living creatures; they approve of not killing living creatures; and they praise not killing living creatures.

imehi kho, bhikkhave, catūhi dhammehi samannāgato yathābhataṁ nikkhitto evaṁ sagge”ti.
Someone with these four qualities is raised up to heaven.”
