sutta » an » an5 » Aṅguttara Nikāya 5.34

Translators: sujato

Numbered Discourses 5.34

4. Sumanavagga
4. With Sumanā


With General Sīha

Ekaṁ samayaṁ bhagavā vesāliyaṁ viharati mahāvane kūṭāgārasālāyaṁ.
At one time the Buddha was staying near Vesālī, at the Great Wood, in the hall with the peaked roof.

Atha kho sīho senāpati yena bhagavā tenupasaṅkami; upasaṅkamitvā bhagavantaṁ abhivādetvā ekamantaṁ nisīdi. Ekamantaṁ nisinno kho sīho senāpati bhagavantaṁ etadavoca:
Then General Sīha went up to the Buddha, bowed, sat down to one side, and asked him,

“sakkā nu kho, bhante, bhagavā sandiṭṭhikaṁ dānaphalaṁ paññāpetun”ti?
“Sir, can you point out a fruit of giving that’s apparent in the present life?”

“Sakkā, sīhā”ti bhagavā avoca:
“I can, Sīha,” said the Buddha.

“dāyako, sīha, dānapati bahuno janassa piyo hoti manāpo.
“A giver, a donor is dear and beloved to many people.

Yampi, sīha, dāyako dānapati bahuno janassa piyo hoti manāpo, idampi sandiṭṭhikaṁ dānaphalaṁ.
This is a fruit of giving that’s apparent in the present life.

Puna caparaṁ, sīha, dāyakaṁ dānapatiṁ santo sappurisā bhajanti.
Furthermore, true persons associate with a giver.

Yampi, sīha, dāyakaṁ dānapatiṁ santo sappurisā bhajanti, idampi sandiṭṭhikaṁ dānaphalaṁ.
This is another fruit of giving that’s apparent in the present life.

Puna caparaṁ, sīha, dāyakassa dānapatino kalyāṇo kittisaddo abbhuggacchati.
Furthermore, a giver gains a good reputation.

Yampi, sīha, dāyakassa dānapatino kalyāṇo kittisaddo abbhuggacchati, idampi sandiṭṭhikaṁ dānaphalaṁ.
This is another fruit of giving that’s apparent in the present life.

Puna caparaṁ, sīha, dāyako dānapati yaṁ yadeva parisaṁ upasaṅkamati—yadi khattiyaparisaṁ yadi brāhmaṇaparisaṁ yadi gahapatiparisaṁ yadi samaṇaparisaṁ—visārado upasaṅkamati amaṅkubhūto.
Furthermore, a giver enters any kind of assembly bold and assured, whether it’s an assembly of aristocrats, brahmins, householders, or ascetics.

Yampi, sīha, dāyako dānapati yaṁ yadeva parisaṁ upasaṅkamati—yadi khattiyaparisaṁ yadi brāhmaṇaparisaṁ yadi gahapatiparisaṁ yadi samaṇaparisaṁ—visārado upasaṅkamati amaṅkubhūto, idampi sandiṭṭhikaṁ dānaphalaṁ.
This is another fruit of giving that’s apparent in the present life.

Puna caparaṁ, sīha, dāyako dānapati kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā sugatiṁ saggaṁ lokaṁ upapajjati.
Furthermore, when a giver’s body breaks up, after death, they’re reborn in a good place, a heavenly realm.

Yampi, sīha, dāyako dānapati kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā sugatiṁ saggaṁ lokaṁ upapajjati, idaṁ samparāyikaṁ dānaphalan”ti.
This is a fruit of giving to do with lives to come.”

Evaṁ vutte, sīho senāpati bhagavantaṁ etadavoca:
When he said this, General Sīha said to the Buddha,

“yānimāni, bhante, bhagavatā cattāri sandiṭṭhikāni dānaphalāni akkhātāni, nāhaṁ ettha bhagavato saddhāya gacchāmi; ahaṁ petāni jānāmi.
“When it comes to those four fruits of giving that are apparent in the present life, I don’t have to rely on faith in the Buddha, for I know them too.

Ahaṁ, bhante, dāyako dānapati bahuno janassa piyo manāpo.
I’m a giver, a donor, and am dear and beloved to many people.

Ahaṁ, bhante, dāyako dānapati; maṁ santo sappurisā bhajanti.
I’m a giver, and true persons associate with me.

Ahaṁ, bhante, dāyako dānapati; mayhaṁ kalyāṇo kittisaddo abbhuggato: ‘sīho senāpati dāyako kārako saṅghupaṭṭhāko’ti.
I’m a giver, and I have this good reputation: ‘General Sīha gives, serves, and attends on the Saṅgha.’

Ahaṁ, bhante, dāyako dānapati yaṁ yadeva parisaṁ upasaṅkamāmi—yadi khattiyaparisaṁ yadi brāhmaṇaparisaṁ yadi gahapatiparisaṁ yadi samaṇaparisaṁ—visārado upasaṅkamāmi amaṅkubhūto.
I’m a giver, and I enter any kind of assembly bold and assured, whether it’s an assembly of aristocrats, brahmins, householders, or ascetics.

Yānimāni, bhante, bhagavatā cattāri sandiṭṭhikāni dānaphalāni akkhātāni, nāhaṁ ettha bhagavato saddhāya gacchāmi; ahaṁ petāni jānāmi.
When it comes to these four fruits of giving that are apparent in the present life, I don’t have to rely on faith in the Buddha, for I know them too.

Yañca kho maṁ, bhante, bhagavā evamāha:
But when the Buddha says:

‘dāyako, sīha, dānapati kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā sugatiṁ saggaṁ lokaṁ upapajjatī’ti, etāhaṁ na jānāmi; ettha ca panāhaṁ bhagavato saddhāya gacchāmī”ti.
‘When a giver’s body breaks up, after death, they’re reborn in a good place, a heavenly realm.’ I don’t know this, so I have to rely on faith in the Buddha.”

“Evametaṁ, sīha, evametaṁ, sīha.
“That’s so true, Sīha! That’s so true!

Dāyako dānapati kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā sugatiṁ saggaṁ lokaṁ upapajjatīti.
When a giver’s body breaks up, after death, they’re reborn in a good place, a heavenly realm.

Dadaṁ piyo hoti bhajanti naṁ bahū,
Giving, you’re loved and befriended by many people.

Kittiñca pappoti yaso ca vaḍḍhati;
You get a good reputation, and your fame grows.

Amaṅkubhūto parisaṁ vigāhati,
A generous man enters an assembly

Visārado hoti naro amaccharī.
bold and assured.

Tasmā hi dānāni dadanti paṇḍitā,
So an astute person, seeking happiness, <j>would give gifts,

Vineyya maccheramalaṁ sukhesino;
having driven out the stain of stinginess.

Te dīgharattaṁ tidive patiṭṭhitā,
They live long in the heaven of the Three and Thirty,

Devānaṁ sahabyagatā ramanti te.
enjoying the company of the gods.

Katāvakāsā katakusalā ito cutā,
Having taken the opportunity to do good, <j>when they pass from here

Sayaṁpabhā anuvicaranti nandanaṁ;
they wander radiant in the Garden of Delight.

Te tattha nandanti ramanti modare,
There they delight, rejoice, and enjoy themselves,

Samappitā kāmaguṇehi pañcahi;
provided with the five kinds of sensual stimulation.

Katvāna vākyaṁ asitassa tādino,
Having practiced the word of the unattached, <j>the poised,

Ramanti sagge sugatassa sāvakā”ti.
disciples of the Holy One rejoice in heaven.”
