sutta » an » an5 » Aṅguttara Nikāya 5.115

Translators: sujato

Numbered Discourses 5.115

12. Andhakavindavagga
12. At Andhakavinda



“Pañcahi, bhikkhave, dhammehi samannāgatā bhikkhunī yathābhataṁ nikkhittā evaṁ niraye.
“Mendicants, a nun with five qualities is cast down to hell.

Katamehi pañcahi?
What five?

Āvāsamaccharinī hoti, kulamaccharinī hoti, lābhamaccharinī hoti, vaṇṇamaccharinī hoti, dhammamaccharinī hoti.
She is stingy with dwellings, families, material possessions, praise, and the teaching.

Imehi kho, bhikkhave, pañcahi dhammehi samannāgatā bhikkhunī yathābhataṁ nikkhittā evaṁ niraye.
A nun with these five qualities is cast down to hell.

Pañcahi, bhikkhave, dhammehi samannāgatā bhikkhunī yathābhataṁ nikkhittā evaṁ sagge.
A nun with five qualities is raised up to heaven.

Katamehi pañcahi?
What five?

Na āvāsamaccharinī hoti, na kulamaccharinī hoti, na lābhamaccharinī hoti, na vaṇṇamaccharinī hoti, na dhammamaccharinī hoti.
She is not stingy with dwellings, families, material possessions, praise, or the teaching.

Imehi kho, bhikkhave, pañcahi dhammehi samannāgatā bhikkhunī yathābhataṁ nikkhittā evaṁ sagge”ti.
A nun with these five qualities is raised up to heaven.”
