sutta » an » an5 » Aṅguttara Nikāya 5.144

Translators: sujato

Numbered Discourses 5.144

15. Tikaṇḍakīvagga
15. At Tikaṇḍakī


At Tikaṇḍakī

Ekaṁ samayaṁ bhagavā sākete viharati tikaṇḍakīvane.
At one time the Buddha was staying near Sāketa, in Tikaṇḍakī Wood.

Tatra kho bhagavā bhikkhū āmantesi:
There the Buddha addressed the mendicants,


“Bhadante”ti te bhikkhū bhagavato paccassosuṁ.
“Venerable sir,” they replied.

Bhagavā etadavoca:
The Buddha said this:

“Sādhu, bhikkhave, bhikkhu kālena kālaṁ appaṭikūle paṭikūlasaññī vihareyya.
“Mendicants, a mendicant would do well to meditate from time to time perceiving the following: the repulsive in the unrepulsive,

Sādhu, bhikkhave, bhikkhu kālena kālaṁ paṭikūle appaṭikūlasaññī vihareyya.
the unrepulsive in the repulsive,

Sādhu, bhikkhave, bhikkhu kālena kālaṁ appaṭikūle ca paṭikūle ca paṭikūlasaññī vihareyya.
the repulsive in both the unrepulsive and the repulsive, and

Sādhu, bhikkhave, bhikkhu kālena kālaṁ paṭikūle ca appaṭikūle ca appaṭikūlasaññī vihareyya.
the unrepulsive in both the repulsive and the unrepulsive.

Sādhu, bhikkhave, bhikkhu kālena kālaṁ paṭikūlañca appaṭikūlañca tadubhayaṁ abhinivajjetvā upekkhako vihareyya sato sampajāno.
A mendicant would do well to meditate from time to time staying equanimous, mindful and aware, rejecting both the repulsive and the unrepulsive.

Kiñca, bhikkhave, bhikkhu atthavasaṁ paṭicca appaṭikūle paṭikūlasaññī vihareyya?
For what reason should a mendicant meditate perceiving the repulsive in the unrepulsive?

‘Mā me rajanīyesu dhammesu rāgo udapādī’ti—
‘May greed not arise in me for things that arouse greed.’

idaṁ kho, bhikkhave, bhikkhu atthavasaṁ paṭicca appaṭikūle paṭikūlasaññī vihareyya.
A mendicant should meditate perceiving the repulsive in the unrepulsive for this reason.

Kiñca, bhikkhave, bhikkhu atthavasaṁ paṭicca paṭikūle appaṭikūlasaññī vihareyya?
For what reason should a mendicant meditate perceiving the unrepulsive in the repulsive?

‘Mā me dosanīyesu dhammesu doso udapādī’ti—
‘May hate not arise in me for things that provoke hate.’ …

idaṁ kho, bhikkhave, bhikkhu atthavasaṁ paṭicca paṭikūle appaṭikūlasaññī vihareyya.

Kiñca, bhikkhave, bhikkhu atthavasaṁ paṭicca appaṭikūle ca paṭikūle ca paṭikūlasaññī vihareyya?
For what reason should a mendicant meditate perceiving the repulsive in both the unrepulsive and the repulsive?

‘Mā me rajanīyesu dhammesu rāgo udapādi, mā me dosanīyesu dhammesu doso udapādī’ti—
‘May greed not arise in me for things that arouse greed. May hate not arise in me for things that provoke hate.’ …

idaṁ kho, bhikkhave, bhikkhu atthavasaṁ paṭicca appaṭikūle ca paṭikūle ca paṭikūlasaññī vihareyya.

Kiñca, bhikkhave, bhikkhu atthavasaṁ paṭicca paṭikūle ca appaṭikūle ca appaṭikūlasaññī vihareyya?
For what reason should a mendicant meditate perceiving the unrepulsive in both the repulsive and the unrepulsive?

‘Mā me dosanīyesu dhammesu doso udapādi, mā me rajanīyesu dhammesu rāgo udapādī’ti—
‘May hate not arise in me for things that provoke hate. May greed not arise in me for things that arouse greed.’ …

idaṁ kho, bhikkhave, bhikkhu atthavasaṁ paṭicca paṭikūle ca appaṭikūle ca appaṭikūlasaññī vihareyya.

Kiñca, bhikkhave, bhikkhu atthavasaṁ paṭicca paṭikūlañca appaṭikūlañca tadubhayaṁ abhinivajjetvā upekkhako vihareyya?
For what reason should a mendicant meditate staying equanimous, mindful and aware, rejecting both the repulsive and the unrepulsive?

‘Sato sampajāno mā me kvacani katthaci kiñcanaṁ rajanīyesu dhammesu rāgo udapādi, mā me kvacani katthaci kiñcanaṁ dosanīyesu dhammesu doso udapādi, mā me kvacani katthaci kiñcanaṁ mohanīyesu dhammesu moho udapādī’ti—
‘May no greed for things that arouse greed, hate for things that provoke hate, or delusion for things that promote delusion arise in me in any way at all.’

idaṁ kho, bhikkhave, bhikkhu atthavasaṁ paṭicca paṭikūlañca appaṭikūlañca tadubhayaṁ abhinivajjetvā upekkhako vihareyya sato sampajāno”ti.
For this reason a mendicant should meditate staying equanimous, mindful and aware, rejecting both the repulsive and the unrepulsive.”
