sutta » an » an5 » Aṅguttara Nikāya 5.147

Translators: sujato

Numbered Discourses 5.147

15. Tikaṇḍakīvagga
15. At Tikaṇḍakī


Gifts of an Untrue Person

“Pañcimāni, bhikkhave, asappurisadānāni.
“Mendicants, there are these five gifts of an untrue person.

Katamāni pañca?
What five?

Asakkaccaṁ deti, acittīkatvā deti, asahatthā deti, apaviddhaṁ deti, anāgamanadiṭṭhiko deti.
They give carelessly. They give thoughtlessly. They don’t give with their own hand. They give the dregs. They give without consideration for consequences.

Imāni kho, bhikkhave, pañca asappurisadānāni.
These are the five gifts of an untrue person.

Pañcimāni, bhikkhave, sappurisadānāni.
There are these five gifts of a true person.

Katamāni pañca?
What five?

Sakkaccaṁ deti, cittīkatvā deti, sahatthā deti, anapaviddhaṁ deti, āgamanadiṭṭhiko deti.
They give carefully. They give thoughtfully. They give with their own hand. They don’t give the dregs. They give with consideration for consequences.

Imāni kho, bhikkhave, pañca sappurisadānānī”ti.
These are the five gifts of a true person.”
