sutta » an » an5 » Aṅguttara Nikāya 5.150

Translators: sujato

Numbered Discourses 5.150

15. Tikaṇḍakīvagga
15. At Tikaṇḍakī


Temporarily Free (2nd)

“Pañcime, bhikkhave, dhammā samayavimuttassa bhikkhuno parihānāya saṁvattanti.
“Mendicants, these five things lead to the decline of a mendicant who is temporarily free.

Katame pañca?
What five?

Kammārāmatā, bhassārāmatā, niddārāmatā, indriyesu aguttadvāratā, bhojane amattaññutā.
They relish work, talk, and sleep. They don’t guard the sense doors and they eat too much.

Ime kho, bhikkhave, pañca dhammā samayavimuttassa bhikkhuno parihānāya saṁvattanti.
These five things lead to the decline of a mendicant who is temporarily free.

Pañcime, bhikkhave, dhammā samayavimuttassa bhikkhuno aparihānāya saṁvattanti.
These five things don’t lead to the decline of a mendicant who is temporarily free.

Katame pañca?
What five?

Na kammārāmatā, na bhassārāmatā, na niddārāmatā, indriyesu guttadvāratā, bhojane mattaññutā.
They don’t relish work, talk, sleep, and company. They guard the sense doors and they have moderation in eating.

Ime kho, bhikkhave, pañca dhammā samayavimuttassa bhikkhuno aparihānāya saṁvattantī”ti.
These five things don’t lead to the decline of a mendicant who is temporarily free.”


Tikaṇḍakīvaggo pañcamo.


Datvā avajānāti ārabhati ca,

Sārandada tikaṇḍa nirayena ca;

Mitto asappurisasappurisena,

Samayavimuttaṁ apare dveti.

Tatiyo paṇṇāsako samatto.