sutta » an » an5 » Aṅguttara Nikāya 5.196

Translators: sujato

Numbered Discourses 5.196

20. Brāhmaṇavagga
20. Brahmins


The Great Dreams

“Tathāgatassa, bhikkhave, arahato sammāsambuddhassa pubbeva sambodhā anabhisambuddhassa bodhisattasseva sato pañca mahāsupinā pāturahesuṁ.
“Mendicants, before his awakening five great dreams appeared to the Realized One, the perfected one, the fully awakened Buddha, when he was still not awake but intent on awakening.

Katame pañca?
What five?

Tathāgatassa, bhikkhave, arahato sammāsambuddhassa pubbeva sambodhā anabhisambuddhassa bodhisattasseva sato ayaṁ mahāpathavī mahāsayanaṁ ahosi, himavā pabbatarājā bibbohanaṁ ahosi, puratthime samudde vāmo hattho ohito ahosi, pacchime samudde dakkhiṇo hattho ohito ahosi, dakkhiṇe samudde ubho pādā ohitā ahesuṁ.
This great earth was his bed. Himalaya, king of mountains, was his pillow. His left hand was laid down in the eastern sea. His right hand was laid down in the western sea. And both his feet were laid down in the southern sea.

Tathāgatassa, bhikkhave, arahato sammāsambuddhassa pubbeva sambodhā anabhisambuddhassa bodhisattasseva sato ayaṁ paṭhamo mahāsupino pāturahosi.
This is the first great dream that appeared to the Realized One before his awakening.

Puna caparaṁ, bhikkhave, tathāgatassa arahato sammāsambuddhassa pubbeva sambodhā anabhisambuddhassa bodhisattasseva sato tiriyā nāma tiṇajāti nābhiyā uggantvā nabhaṁ āhacca ṭhitā ahosi.
Next, a kind of grass called ‘the crosser’ grew up from his navel and stood pushing against the cloudy sky.

Tathāgatassa, bhikkhave, arahato sammāsambuddhassa pubbeva sambodhā anabhisambuddhassa bodhisattasseva sato ayaṁ dutiyo mahāsupino pāturahosi.
This is the second great dream that appeared to the Realized One before his awakening.

Puna caparaṁ, bhikkhave, tathāgatassa arahato sammāsambuddhassa pubbeva sambodhā anabhisambuddhassa bodhisattasseva sato setā kimī kaṇhasīsā pādehi ussakkitvā (…) yāva jāṇumaṇḍalā paṭicchādesuṁ.
Next, white caterpillars with black heads crawled up from his feet and covered his knees.

Tathāgatassa, bhikkhave, arahato sammāsambuddhassa pubbeva sambodhā anabhisambuddhassa bodhisattasseva sato ayaṁ tatiyo mahāsupino pāturahosi.
This is the third great dream that appeared to the Realized One before his awakening.

Puna caparaṁ, bhikkhave, tathāgatassa arahato sammāsambuddhassa pubbeva sambodhā anabhisambuddhassa bodhisattasseva sato cattāro sakuṇā nānāvaṇṇā catūhi disāhi āgantvā pādamūle nipatitvā sabbasetā sampajjiṁsu.
Next, four birds of different colors came from the four quarters. They fell at his feet, turning pure white.

Tathāgatassa, bhikkhave, arahato sammāsambuddhassa pubbeva sambodhā anabhisambuddhassa bodhisattasseva sato ayaṁ catuttho mahāsupino pāturahosi.
This is the fourth great dream that appeared to the Realized One before his awakening.

Puna caparaṁ, bhikkhave, tathāgato arahaṁ sammāsambuddho pubbeva sambodhā anabhisambuddho bodhisattova samāno mahato mīḷhapabbatassa uparūpari caṅkamati alippamāno mīḷhena.
Next, he walked back and forth on top of a huge mountain of filth while remaining unsoiled.

Tathāgatassa, bhikkhave, arahato sammāsambuddhassa pubbeva sambodhā anabhisambuddhassa bodhisattasseva sato ayaṁ pañcamo mahāsupino pāturahosi.
This is the fifth great dream that appeared to the Realized One before his awakening.

Yampi, bhikkhave, tathāgatassa arahato sammāsambuddhassa pubbeva sambodhā anabhisambuddhassa bodhisattasseva sato ayaṁ mahāpathavī mahāsayanaṁ ahosi, himavā pabbatarājā bibbohanaṁ ahosi, puratthime samudde vāmo hattho ohito ahosi, pacchime samudde dakkhiṇo hattho ohito ahosi, dakkhiṇe samudde ubho pādā ohitā ahesuṁ;
Now, as to when, before his awakening, the Realized One, the perfected one, the fully awakened Buddha was still not awake but intent on awakening. This great earth was his bed. Himalaya, king of mountains, was his pillow. His left hand was laid down in the eastern sea. His right hand was laid down in the western sea. And both his feet were laid down in the southern sea.

tathāgatena, bhikkhave, arahatā sammāsambuddhena anuttarā sammāsambodhi abhisambuddhā.
This was fulfilled when the Buddha awakened to the perfect awakening.

Tassā abhisambodhāya ayaṁ paṭhamo mahāsupino pāturahosi.
This was the first great dream that appeared to him while he was still not awakened.

Yampi, bhikkhave, tathāgatassa arahato sammāsambuddhassa pubbeva sambodhā anabhisambuddhassa bodhisattasseva sato tiriyā nāma tiṇajāti nābhiyā uggantvā nabhaṁ āhacca ṭhitā ahosi;
As to when a kind of grass called ‘the crosser’ grew up from his navel and stood pushing against the cloudy sky.

tathāgatena, bhikkhave, arahatā sammāsambuddhena ariyo aṭṭhaṅgiko maggo abhisambujjhitvā yāva devamanussehi suppakāsito.
This was fulfilled when, after the Buddha had awakened to the noble eightfold path, it was well proclaimed wherever there are gods and humans.

Tassa abhisambodhāya ayaṁ dutiyo mahāsupino pāturahosi.
This was the second great dream that appeared to him while he was still not awakened.

Yampi, bhikkhave, tathāgatassa arahato sammāsambuddhassa pubbeva sambodhā anabhisambuddhassa bodhisattasseva sato setā kimī kaṇhasīsā pādehi ussakkitvā yāva jāṇumaṇḍalā paṭicchādesuṁ;
As to when white caterpillars with black heads crawled up from his feet and covered his knees.

bahū, bhikkhave, gihī odātavasanā tathāgataṁ pāṇupetā saraṇaṁ gatā.
This was fulfilled when many white-clothed laypeople went for refuge to him for life.

Tassa abhisambodhāya ayaṁ tatiyo mahāsupino pāturahosi.
This was the third great dream that appeared to him while he was still not awakened.

Yampi, bhikkhave, tathāgatassa arahato sammāsambuddhassa pubbeva sambodhā anabhisambuddhassa bodhisattasseva sato cattāro sakuṇā nānāvaṇṇā catūhi disāhi āgantvā pādamūle nipatitvā sabbasetā sampajjiṁsu;
As to when four birds of different colors came from the four quarters. They fell at his feet, turning pure white.

cattārome, bhikkhave, vaṇṇā khattiyā brāhmaṇā vessā suddā te tathāgatappavedite dhammavinaye agārasmā anagāriyaṁ pabbajitvā anuttaraṁ vimuttiṁ sacchikaronti.
This was fulfilled when members of the four classes—aristocrats, brahmins, peasants, and menials—went forth from the lay life to homelessness in the teaching and training proclaimed by the Realized One and realized supreme freedom.

Tassa abhisambodhāya ayaṁ catuttho mahāsupino pāturahosi.
This was the fourth great dream that appeared to him while he was still not awakened.

Yampi, bhikkhave, tathāgato arahaṁ sammāsambuddho pubbeva sambodhā anabhisambuddho bodhisattova samāno mahato mīḷhapabbatassa uparūpari caṅkamati alippamāno mīḷhena;
As to when he walked back and forth on top of a huge mountain of filth while remaining unsoiled.

lābhī, bhikkhave, tathāgato cīvarapiṇḍapātasenāsanagilānappaccayabhesajjaparikkhārānaṁ, taṁ tathāgato agathito amucchito anajjhosanno ādīnavadassāvī nissaraṇapañño paribhuñjati.
This was fulfilled when the Realized One received robes, almsfood, lodgings, and medicines and supplies for the sick. And he used them untied, uninfatuated, unattached, seeing the drawbacks, and understanding the escape.

Tassa abhisambodhāya ayaṁ pañcamo mahāsupino pāturahosi.
This was the fifth great dream that appeared to him while he was still not awakened.

Tathāgatassa, bhikkhave, arahato sammāsambuddhassa pubbeva sambodhā anabhisambuddhassa bodhisattasseva sato ime pañca mahāsupinā pāturahesun”ti.
Before his awakening these five great dreams appeared to the Realized One, the perfected one, the fully awakened Buddha, when he was still not awake but intent on awakening.”
