sutta » an » an5 » Aṅguttara Nikāya 5.198

Translators: sujato

Numbered Discourses 5.198

20. Brāhmaṇavagga
20. Brahmins


Well-Spoken Words

“Pañcahi, bhikkhave, aṅgehi samannāgatā vācā subhāsitā hoti, no dubbhāsitā, anavajjā ca ananuvajjā ca viññūnaṁ.
“Mendicants, speech that has five factors is well spoken, not poorly spoken. It’s blameless and is not criticized by sensible people.

Katamehi pañcahi?
What five?

Kālena ca bhāsitā hoti, saccā ca bhāsitā hoti, saṇhā ca bhāsitā hoti, atthasaṁhitā ca bhāsitā hoti, mettacittena ca bhāsitā hoti.
It is speech that is timely, true, gentle, beneficial, and loving.

Imehi kho, bhikkhave, pañcahi aṅgehi samannāgatā vācā subhāsitā hoti, no dubbhāsitā, anavajjā ca ananuvajjā ca viññūnan”ti.
Speech with these five factors is well spoken, not poorly spoken. It’s blameless and is not criticized by sensible people.”
