sutta » an » an5 » Aṅguttara Nikāya 5.209

Translators: sujato

Numbered Discourses 5.209

21. Kimilavagga
21. With Kimbila


The Sound of Singing

“Pañcime, bhikkhave, ādīnavā āyatakena gītassarena dhammaṁ bhaṇantassa.
“Mendicants, there are these five drawbacks in reciting with a drawn-out singing voice.

Katame pañca?
What five?

Attanāpi tasmiṁ sare sārajjati, parepi tasmiṁ sare sārajjanti, gahapatikāpi ujjhāyanti:
You relish the sound of your own voice. Others relish the sound of your voice. Householders complain:

‘yatheva mayaṁ gāyāma, evamevaṁ kho samaṇā sakyaputtiyā gāyantī’ti, sarakuttimpi nikāmayamānassa samādhissa bhaṅgo hoti, pacchimā janatā diṭṭhānugatiṁ āpajjati.
‘These ascetics, followers of the Sakyan, sing just like us!’ When you’re enjoying the melody, your immersion breaks up. Those who come after follow your example.

Ime kho, bhikkhave, pañca ādīnavā āyatakena gītassarena dhammaṁ bhaṇantassā”ti.
These are the five drawbacks in reciting with a drawn-out singing voice.”
