sutta » an » an5 » Aṅguttara Nikāya 5.250

Translators: sujato

Numbered Discourses 5.250

25. Duccaritavagga
25. Bad Conduct


Faith in Individuals

“Pañcime, bhikkhave, ādīnavā puggalappasāde.
“Mendicants, there are these five drawbacks of placing faith in an individual.

Katame pañca?
What five?

Yasmiṁ, bhikkhave, puggale puggalo abhippasanno hoti, so tathārūpaṁ āpattiṁ āpanno hoti yathārūpāya āpattiyā saṅgho ukkhipati.
The individual to whom a person is devoted falls into an offense such that the Saṅgha suspends them.

Tassa evaṁ hoti:
It occurs to them:

‘yo kho myāyaṁ puggalo piyo manāpo so saṅghena ukkhitto’ti.
‘This person dear and beloved to me has been suspended by the Saṅgha.’

Bhikkhūsu appasādabahulo hoti.
They lose much of their faith in mendicants.

Bhikkhūsu appasādabahulo samāno aññe bhikkhū na bhajati.
So they don’t frequent other mendicants,

Aññe bhikkhū abhajanto saddhammaṁ na suṇāti.
they don’t hear the true teaching,

Saddhammaṁ asuṇanto saddhammā parihāyati.
and they fall away from the true teaching.

Ayaṁ, bhikkhave, paṭhamo ādīnavo puggalappasāde.
This is the first drawback in placing faith in an individual.

Puna caparaṁ, bhikkhave, yasmiṁ puggale puggalo abhippasanno hoti, so tathārūpaṁ āpattiṁ āpanno hoti yathārūpāya āpattiyā saṅgho ante nisīdāpeti.
Furthermore, the individual to whom a person is devoted falls into an offense such that the Saṅgha makes them sit at the end of the line. …

Tassa evaṁ hoti:

‘yo kho myāyaṁ puggalo piyo manāpo so saṅghena ante nisīdāpito’ti.

Bhikkhūsu appasādabahulo hoti.

Bhikkhūsu appasādabahulo samāno aññe bhikkhū na bhajati.

Aññe bhikkhū abhajanto saddhammaṁ na suṇāti.

Saddhammaṁ asuṇanto saddhammā parihāyati.

Ayaṁ, bhikkhave, dutiyo ādīnavo puggalappasāde.
This is the second drawback in placing faith in an individual.

Puna caparaṁ, bhikkhave, yasmiṁ puggale puggalo abhippasanno hoti, so disāpakkanto hoti …pe… so vibbhanto hoti …pe… so kālaṅkato hoti.
Furthermore, the individual to whom a person is devoted departs for another region … disrobes … passes away.

Tassa evaṁ hoti:
It occurs to them:

‘yo kho myāyaṁ puggalo piyo manāpo so kālaṅkato’ti.
‘This person dear and beloved to me has passed away.’

Aññe bhikkhū na bhajati.
So they don’t frequent other mendicants,

Aññe bhikkhū abhajanto saddhammaṁ na suṇāti.
they don’t hear the true teaching,

Saddhammaṁ asuṇanto saddhammā parihāyati.
and they fall away from the true teaching.

Ayaṁ, bhikkhave, pañcamo ādīnavo puggalappasāde.
This is the fifth drawback in placing faith in an individual.

Ime kho, bhikkhave, pañca ādīnavā puggalappasāde”ti.
These are the five drawbacks of placing faith in an individual.”


Duccaritavaggo pañcamo.


Duccaritaṁ kāyaduccaritaṁ,

Vacīduccaritaṁ manoduccaritaṁ;

Catūhi pare dve sivathikā,

Puggalappasādena cāti.

Pañcamo paṇṇāsako samatto.