sutta » an » an5 » Aṅguttara Nikāya 5.273–285

Translators: sujato

Numbered Discourses 5.273–285

27. Sammutipeyyāla
27. Abbreviated Texts on Appointments


A Lodgings Assigner

“Pañcahi, bhikkhave, dhammehi samannāgato senāsanapaññāpako na sammannitabbo …pe… paññattāpaññattaṁ na jānāti …pe… senāsanapaññāpako sammannitabbo …pe… paññattāpaññattaṁ jānāti …pe….
“Mendicants, a person with five qualities should not be appointed as lodgings assigner … they don’t know if a lodging has been assigned or not … A person with five qualities should be appointed as lodgings assigner … they know if a lodging has been assigned or not …

Senāsanagāhāpako na sammannitabbo …pe… gahitāgahitaṁ na jānāti …pe… senāsanagāhāpako sammannitabbo …pe… gahitāgahitaṁ jānāti …pe….
A person should not be appointed as lodgings allocator … they don’t know if a lodging has been allocated or not … A person should be appointed as lodgings allocator … they know if a lodging has been allocated or not …

Bhaṇḍāgāriko na sammannitabbo …pe… guttāguttaṁ na jānāti … bhaṇḍāgāriko sammannitabbo …pe… guttāguttaṁ jānāti ….
A person should not be appointed as storeperson … they don’t know if stores are protected or not … A person should be appointed as storeperson … they know if stores are protected or not …

Cīvarapaṭiggāhako na sammannitabbo …pe… gahitāgahitaṁ na jānāti … cīvarapaṭiggāhako sammannitabbo …pe… gahitāgahitaṁ jānāti ….
… robe receiver …

Cīvarabhājako na sammannitabbo …pe… bhājitābhājitaṁ na jānāti … cīvarabhājako sammannitabbo …pe… bhājitābhājitaṁ jānāti ….
… robe distributor …

Yāgubhājako na sammannitabbo …pe… yāgubhājako sammannitabbo …pe….
… porridge distributor …

Phalabhājako na sammannitabbo …pe… phalabhājako sammannitabbo …pe….
… fruit distributor …

Khajjakabhājako na sammannitabbo …pe… bhājitābhājitaṁ na jānāti … khajjakabhājako sammannitabbo …pe… bhājitābhājitaṁ jānāti ….
… cake distributor …

Appamattakavissajjako na sammannitabbo …pe… vissajjitāvissajjitaṁ na jānāti … appamattakavissajjako sammannitabbo …pe… vissajjitāvissajjitaṁ jānāti ….
… dispenser of minor accessories …

Sāṭiyaggāhāpako na sammannitabbo …pe… gahitāgahitaṁ na jānāti … sāṭiyaggāhāpako sammannitabbo …pe… gahitāgahitaṁ jānāti ….
… allocator of bathing cloths …

Pattaggāhāpako na sammannitabbo …pe… gahitāgahitaṁ na jānāti … pattaggāhāpako sammannitabbo …pe… gahitāgahitaṁ jānāti ….
… bowl allocator …

Ārāmikapesako na sammannitabbo …pe… ārāmikapesako sammannitabbo …pe….
… supervisor of monastery staff …

Sāmaṇerapesako na sammannitabbo …pe… sāmaṇerapesako sammannitabbo …pe….
… supervisor of novices …

Sammato na pesetabbo …pe… sammato pesetabbo …pe….

Sāmaṇerapesako bālo veditabbo …pe… paṇḍito veditabbo … khataṁ upahataṁ attānaṁ pariharati … akkhataṁ anupahataṁ attānaṁ pariharati … yathābhataṁ nikkhitto evaṁ niraye … yathābhataṁ nikkhitto evaṁ sagge.

Katamehi pañcahi?
What five?

Na chandāgatiṁ gacchati, na dosāgatiṁ gacchati, na mohāgatiṁ gacchati, na bhayāgatiṁ gacchati, pesitāpesitaṁ jānāti.
They don’t make decisions prejudiced by favoritism, hostility, stupidity, and cowardice. And they know if a novice has been supervised or not.

Imehi kho, bhikkhave, pañcahi dhammehi samannāgato sāmaṇerapesako yathābhataṁ nikkhitto evaṁ sagge”ti.
A supervisor of novices with these five qualities is raised up to heaven.”


Sammutipeyyālaṁ niṭṭhitaṁ.