sutta » an » an6 » Aṅguttara Nikāya 6.59

Translators: sujato

Numbered Discourses 6.59

6. Mahāvagga
6. The Great Chapter


With Dārukammika

Evaṁ me sutaṁ—
So I have heard.

ekaṁ samayaṁ bhagavā nātike viharati giñjakāvasathe.
At one time the Buddha was staying at Ñātika in the brick house.

Atha kho dārukammiko gahapati yena bhagavā tenupasaṅkami; upasaṅkamitvā bhagavantaṁ abhivādetvā ekamantaṁ nisīdi. Ekamantaṁ nisinnaṁ kho dārukammikaṁ gahapatiṁ bhagavā etadavoca:
Then the householder Dārukammika went up to the Buddha, bowed, and sat down to one side. The Buddha said to him,

“api nu te, gahapati, kule dānaṁ dīyatī”ti?
“Householder, I wonder whether your family gives gifts?”

“Dīyati me, bhante, kule dānaṁ.
“It does, sir.

Tañca kho ye te bhikkhū āraññikā piṇḍapātikā paṁsukūlikā arahanto vā arahattamaggaṁ vā samāpannā, tathārūpesu me, bhante, bhikkhūsu dānaṁ dīyatī”ti.
Gifts are given to those mendicants who are perfected or on the path to perfection; they live in the wilderness, eat only almsfood, and wear rag robes.”

“Dujjānaṁ kho etaṁ, gahapati, tayā gihinā kāmabhoginā puttasambādhasayanaṁ ajjhāvasantena, kāsikacandanaṁ paccanubhontena, mālāgandhavilepanaṁ dhārayantena, jātarūparajataṁ sādiyantena ime vā arahanto ime vā arahattamaggaṁ samāpannāti.
“Householder, as a layman enjoying sensual pleasures, living at home with your children, using sandalwood imported from Kāsi, wearing garlands, fragrance, and makeup, and accepting gold and money, it’s hard for you to know who is perfected or on the path to perfection.

Āraññiko cepi, gahapati, bhikkhu hoti uddhato unnaḷo capalo mukharo vikiṇṇavāco muṭṭhassati asampajāno asamāhito vibbhantacitto pākatindriyo.
If a mendicant living in the wilderness is restless, insolent, fickle, scurrilous, loose-tongued, unmindful, lacking situational awareness and immersion, with straying mind and undisciplined faculties,

Evaṁ so tenaṅgena gārayho.
then in this respect they’re reprehensible.

Āraññiko cepi, gahapati, bhikkhu hoti anuddhato anunnaḷo acapalo amukharo avikiṇṇavāco upaṭṭhitassati sampajāno samāhito ekaggacitto saṁvutindriyo.
If a mendicant living in the wilderness is not restless, insolent, fickle, scurrilous, or loose-tongued, but has established mindfulness, situational awareness and immersion, with unified mind and restrained faculties,

Evaṁ so tenaṅgena pāsaṁso.
then in this respect they’re praiseworthy.

Gāmantavihārī cepi, gahapati, bhikkhu hoti uddhato …pe…
If a mendicant who lives within a village is restless …

evaṁ so tenaṅgena gārayho.
then in this respect they’re reprehensible.

Gāmantavihārī cepi, gahapati, bhikkhu hoti anuddhato …pe…
If a mendicant who lives within a village is not restless …

evaṁ so tenaṅgena pāsaṁso.
then in this respect they’re praiseworthy.

Piṇḍapātiko cepi, gahapati, bhikkhu hoti uddhato …pe…
If a mendicant who eats only almsfood is restless …

evaṁ so tenaṅgena gārayho.
then in this respect they’re reprehensible.

Piṇḍapātiko cepi, gahapati, bhikkhu hoti anuddhato …pe…
If a mendicant who eats only almsfood is not restless …

evaṁ so tenaṅgena pāsaṁso.
then in this respect they’re praiseworthy.

Nemantaniko cepi, gahapati, bhikkhu hoti uddhato …pe…
If a mendicant who accepts invitations is restless …

evaṁ so tenaṅgena gārayho.
then in this respect they’re reprehensible.

Nemantaniko cepi, gahapati, bhikkhu hoti anuddhato …pe…
If a mendicant who accepts invitations is not restless …

evaṁ so tenaṅgena pāsaṁso.
then in this respect they’re praiseworthy.

Paṁsukūliko cepi, gahapati, bhikkhu hoti uddhato …pe…
If a mendicant who wears rag robes is restless …

evaṁ so tenaṅgena gārayho.
then in this respect they’re reprehensible.

Paṁsukūliko cepi, gahapati, bhikkhu hoti anuddhato …pe…
If a mendicant who wears rag robes is not restless …

evaṁ so tenaṅgena pāsaṁso.
then in this respect they’re praiseworthy.

Gahapaticīvaradharo cepi, gahapati, bhikkhu hoti uddhato unnaḷo capalo mukharo vikiṇṇavāco muṭṭhassati asampajāno asamāhito vibbhantacitto pākatindriyo.
If a mendicant who wears robes offered by householders is restless, insolent, fickle, scurrilous, loose-tongued, unmindful, lacking situational awareness and immersion, with straying mind and undisciplined faculties,

Evaṁ so tenaṅgena gārayho.
then in this respect they’re reprehensible.

Gahapaticīvaradharo cepi, gahapati, bhikkhu hoti anuddhato anunnaḷo acapalo amukharo avikiṇṇavāco upaṭṭhitassati sampajāno samāhito ekaggacitto saṁvutindriyo.
If a mendicant who wears robes offered by householders is not restless, insolent, fickle, scurrilous, or loose-tongued, but has established mindfulness, situational awareness and immersion, with unified mind and restrained faculties,

Evaṁ so tenaṅgena pāsaṁso.
then in this respect they’re praiseworthy.

Iṅgha tvaṁ, gahapati, saṅghe dānaṁ dehi.
Go ahead, householder, give gifts to the Saṅgha.

Saṅghe te dānaṁ dadato cittaṁ pasīdissati.
Your mind will become bright and clear,

So tvaṁ pasannacitto kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā sugatiṁ saggaṁ lokaṁ upapajjissasī”ti.
and when your body breaks up, after death, you’ll be reborn in a good place, a heavenly realm.”

“Esāhaṁ, bhante, ajjatagge saṅghe dānaṁ dassāmī”ti.
“Sir, from this day forth I will give gifts to the Saṅgha.”
