sutta » an » an6 » Aṅguttara Nikāya 6.104

Translators: sujato

Numbered Discourses 6.104

10. Ānisaṁsavagga
10. Benefit


Not Determined by Anything

“Cha, bhikkhave, ānisaṁse sampassamānena alameva bhikkhunā sabbadhammesu anodhiṁ karitvā anattasaññaṁ upaṭṭhāpetuṁ.
“Mendicants, seeing six benefits is quite enough to establish the perception of not-self in all things without qualification.

Katame cha?
What six?

Sabbaloke ca atammayo bhavissāmi, ahaṅkārā ca me uparujjhissanti, mamaṅkārā ca me uparujjhissanti, asādhāraṇena ca ñāṇena samannāgato bhavissāmi, hetu ca me sudiṭṭho bhavissati, hetusamuppannā ca dhammā.
‘I will not be determined by anything in the world.’ ‘My egoism will stop.’ ‘My possessiveness will stop.’ ‘I will have unshared knowledge.’ ‘I will clearly see causes and the phenomena that arise from causes.’

Ime kho, bhikkhave, cha ānisaṁse sampassamānena alameva bhikkhunā sabbadhammesu anodhiṁ karitvā anattasaññaṁ upaṭṭhāpetun”ti.
Seeing these six benefits is quite enough to establish the perception of not-self in all things without qualification.”
