sutta » an » an6 » Aṅguttara Nikāya 6.112

Translators: sujato

Numbered Discourses 6.112

11. Tikavagga
11. Triads



“Tayome, bhikkhave, dhammā.
“Mendicants, there are these three things.

Katame tayo?
What three?

Assādadiṭṭhi, attānudiṭṭhi, micchādiṭṭhi.
The view that things are gratifying, the view of self, and wrong view.

Ime kho, bhikkhave, tayo dhammā.
These are the three things.

Imesaṁ kho, bhikkhave, tiṇṇaṁ dhammānaṁ pahānāya tayo dhammā bhāvetabbā.
To give up these three things you should develop three things.

Katame tayo?
What three?

Assādadiṭṭhiyā pahānāya aniccasaññā bhāvetabbā, attānudiṭṭhiyā pahānāya anattasaññā bhāvetabbā, micchādiṭṭhiyā pahānāya sammādiṭṭhi bhāvetabbā.
You should develop the perception of impermanence to give up the view that things are gratifying; the perception of not-self to give up the view of self; and right view to give up wrong view.

Imesaṁ kho, bhikkhave, tiṇṇaṁ dhammānaṁ pahānāya ime tayo dhammā bhāvetabbā”ti.
These are the three things you should develop to give up those three things.”
