sutta » an » an6 » Aṅguttara Nikāya 6.119

Translators: sujato

Numbered Discourses 6.119

12. Sāmaññavagga
12. The Ascetic Life


About Tapussa

“Chahi, bhikkhave, dhammehi samannāgato tapusso gahapati tathāgate niṭṭhaṅgato amataddaso amataṁ sacchikatvā iriyati.
“Mendicants, having six qualities the householder Tapussa is certain about the Realized One, sees freedom from death and lives having realized freedom from death.

Katamehi chahi?
What six?

Buddhe aveccappasādena, dhamme aveccappasādena, saṅghe aveccappasādena, ariyena sīlena, ariyena ñāṇena, ariyāya vimuttiyā.
Experiential confidence in the Buddha, the teaching, and the Saṅgha, and noble ethics, knowledge, and freedom.

Imehi kho, bhikkhave, chahi dhammehi samannāgato tapusso gahapati tathāgate niṭṭhaṅgato amataddaso amataṁ sacchikatvā iriyatī”ti.
Having these six qualities the householder Tapussa is certain about the Realized One, sees freedom from death and lives having realized freedom from death.”
