sutta » an » an7 » Aṅguttara Nikāya 7.37

Translators: sujato

Numbered Discourses 7.37

4. Devatāvagga
4. Deities


A Friend (2nd)

“Sattahi, bhikkhave, dhammehi samannāgato bhikkhu mitto sevitabbo bhajitabbo payirupāsitabbo api panujjamānenapi.
“Mendicants, when a friend has seven qualities you should associate with, accompany, and attend them, even if they send you away.

Katamehi sattahi?
What seven?

Piyo ca hoti manāpo ca garu ca bhāvanīyo ca vattā ca vacanakkhamo ca gambhīrañca kathaṁ kattā hoti, no ca aṭṭhāne niyojeti.
They’re likable, agreeable, respected, and admired. They admonish you and they accept admonishment. They speak on deep matters. And they don’t urge you to do bad things.

Imehi kho, bhikkhave, sattahi dhammehi samannāgato bhikkhu mitto sevitabbo bhajitabbo payirupāsitabbo api panujjamānenapīti.
When a friend has these seven qualities you should associate with, accompany, and attend them, even if they send you away.

Piyo garu bhāvanīyo,
They’re lovable, respected, and admired,

vattā ca vacanakkhamo;
an admonisher who accepts admonishment,

Gambhīrañca kathaṁ kattā,
speaks on deep matters,

no caṭṭhāne niyojako.
and doesn’t urge you to do bad.

Yamhi etāni ṭhānāni,
The person in whom

saṁvijjantīdha puggale;
these things are found is your friend.

So mitto mittakāmena,
If you want to have a friend,

benevolent and compassionate,

Api nāsiyamānena,
you should keep company with such a person,

bhajitabbo tathāvidho”ti.
even if they send you away.”
