sutta » an » an7 » Aṅguttara Nikāya 7.70

Translators: sujato

Numbered Discourses 7.70

7. Mahāvagga
7. The Great Chapter



Atha kho āyasmato sāriputtassa rahogatassa paṭisallīnassa evaṁ cetaso parivitakko udapādi:
Then as Venerable Sāriputta was in private retreat this thought came to his mind,

“kiṁ nu kho, bhikkhu, sakkatvā garuṁ katvā upanissāya viharanto akusalaṁ pajaheyya, kusalaṁ bhāveyyā”ti?
“What should a mendicant honor and respect and rely on, to give up the unskillful and develop the skillful?”

Atha kho āyasmato sāriputtassa etadahosi:
Then he thought,

“satthāraṁ kho, bhikkhu, sakkatvā garuṁ katvā upanissāya viharanto akusalaṁ pajaheyya, kusalaṁ bhāveyya.
“A mendicant should honor and respect and rely on the Teacher …

Dhammaṁ kho, bhikkhu …pe…
the teaching …

saṅghaṁ kho, bhikkhu …pe…
the Saṅgha …

sikkhaṁ kho, bhikkhu …pe…
the training …

samādhiṁ kho, bhikkhu …pe…
immersion …

appamādaṁ kho, bhikkhu …pe…
diligence …

paṭisanthāraṁ kho, bhikkhu sakkatvā garuṁ katvā upanissāya viharanto akusalaṁ pajaheyya, kusalaṁ bhāveyyā”ti.
A mendicant should honor and respect and rely on hospitality, to give up the unskillful and develop the skillful.”

Atha kho āyasmato sāriputtassa etadahosi:
Then he thought,

“ime kho me dhammā parisuddhā pariyodātā, yannūnāhaṁ ime dhamme gantvā bhagavato āroceyyaṁ.
“These qualities are pure and bright in me. Why don’t I go and tell them to the Buddha?

Evaṁ me ime dhammā parisuddhā ceva bhavissanti parisuddhasaṅkhātatarā ca.
Then these qualities will not only be purified in me, but will be better known as purified.

Seyyathāpi nāma puriso suvaṇṇanikkhaṁ adhigaccheyya parisuddhaṁ pariyodātaṁ.
Suppose a man were to acquire a gold coin, pure and bright.

Tassa evamassa:
They’d think,

‘ayaṁ kho me suvaṇṇanikkho parisuddho pariyodāto, yannūnāhaṁ imaṁ suvaṇṇanikkhaṁ gantvā kammārānaṁ dasseyyaṁ.
‘My gold coin is pure and bright. Why don’t I take it to show the smiths?

Evaṁ me ayaṁ suvaṇṇanikkho sakammāragato parisuddho ceva bhavissati parisuddhasaṅkhātataro ca.
Then it will not only be purified, but will be better known as purified.’

Evamevaṁ me ime dhammā parisuddhā pariyodātā, yannūnāhaṁ ime dhamme gantvā bhagavato āroceyyaṁ.
In the same way, these qualities are pure and bright in me. Why don’t I go and tell them to the Buddha?

Evaṁ me ime dhammā parisuddhā ceva bhavissanti parisuddhasaṅkhātatarā cā’”ti.
Then these qualities will not only be purified in me, but will be better known as purified.”

Atha kho āyasmā sāriputto sāyanhasamayaṁ paṭisallānā vuṭṭhito yena bhagavā tenupasaṅkami; upasaṅkamitvā bhagavantaṁ abhivādetvā ekamantaṁ nisīdi. Ekamantaṁ nisinno kho āyasmā sāriputto bhagavantaṁ etadavoca:
Then in the late afternoon, Sāriputta came out of retreat and went to the Buddha. He bowed, sat down to one side, and told the Buddha of his thoughts while on retreat.

“Idha mayhaṁ, bhante, rahogatassa paṭisallīnassa evaṁ cetaso parivitakko udapādi:

‘kiṁ nu kho bhikkhu sakkatvā garuṁ katvā upanissāya viharanto akusalaṁ pajaheyya, kusalaṁ bhāveyyā’ti?

Atha kho tassa mayhaṁ, bhante, etadahosi:

‘satthāraṁ kho bhikkhu sakkatvā garuṁ katvā upanissāya viharanto akusalaṁ pajaheyya, kusalaṁ bhāveyya.

Dhammaṁ kho bhikkhu …pe…

paṭisanthāraṁ kho bhikkhu sakkatvā …pe…

kusalaṁ bhāveyyā’ti.

Atha kho tassa mayhaṁ, bhante, etadahosi:

‘ime kho me dhammā parisuddhā pariyodātā, yannūnāhaṁ ime dhamme gantvā bhagavato āroceyyaṁ.

Evaṁ me ime dhammā parisuddhā ceva bhavissanti parisuddhasaṅkhātatarā ca.

Seyyathāpi nāma puriso suvaṇṇanikkhaṁ adhigaccheyya parisuddhaṁ pariyodātaṁ.

Tassa evamassa—

ayaṁ kho me suvaṇṇanikkho parisuddho pariyodāto, yannūnāhaṁ imaṁ suvaṇṇanikkhaṁ gantvā kammārānaṁ dasseyyaṁ.

Evaṁ me ayaṁ suvaṇṇanikkho sakammāragato parisuddho ceva bhavissati parisuddhasaṅkhātataro ca.

Evamevaṁ me ime dhammā parisuddhā pariyodātā, yannūnāhaṁ ime dhamme gantvā bhagavato āroceyyaṁ.

Evaṁ me ime dhammā parisuddhā ceva bhavissanti parisuddhasaṅkhātatarā cā’”ti.

“Sādhu sādhu, sāriputta.
“Good, good, Sāriputta!

Satthāraṁ kho, sāriputta, bhikkhu sakkatvā garuṁ katvā upanissāya viharanto akusalaṁ pajaheyya, kusalaṁ bhāveyya.
A mendicant should honor and respect and rely on the Teacher, to give up the unskillful and develop the skillful.

Dhammaṁ kho, sāriputta, bhikkhu sakkatvā garuṁ katvā upanissāya viharanto akusalaṁ pajaheyya, kusalaṁ bhāveyya.
A mendicant should honor and respect and rely on the teaching …

Saṅghaṁ kho …pe…
the Saṅgha …

sikkhaṁ kho …
the training …

samādhiṁ kho …
immersion …

appamādaṁ kho …
diligence …

paṭisanthāraṁ kho, sāriputta, bhikkhu sakkatvā garuṁ katvā upanissāya viharanto akusalaṁ pajaheyya, kusalaṁ bhāveyyā”ti.
A mendicant should honor and respect and rely on hospitality, to give up the unskillful and develop the skillful.”

Evaṁ vutte, āyasmā sāriputto bhagavantaṁ etadavoca:
When he said this, Venerable Sāriputta said to the Buddha:

“imassa kho ahaṁ, bhante, bhagavatā saṅkhittena bhāsitassa evaṁ vitthārena atthaṁ ājānāmi.
“Sir, this is how I understand the detailed meaning of the Buddha’s brief statement.

So vata, bhante, bhikkhu satthari agāravo dhamme sagāravo bhavissatīti netaṁ ṭhānaṁ vijjati.
It’s quite impossible for a mendicant who doesn’t respect the Teacher to respect the teaching.

Yo so, bhante, bhikkhu satthari agāravo dhammepi so agāravo.
A mendicant who disrespects the Teacher disrespects the teaching.

So vata, bhante, bhikkhu satthari agāravo dhamme agāravo saṅghe sagāravo bhavissatīti netaṁ ṭhānaṁ vijjati.
It’s quite impossible for a mendicant who doesn’t respect the Teacher and the teaching to respect the Saṅgha.

Yo so, bhante, bhikkhu satthari agāravo dhamme agāravo saṅghepi so agāravo.
A mendicant who disrespects the Teacher and the teaching disrespects the Saṅgha.

So vata, bhante, bhikkhu satthari agāravo dhamme agāravo saṅghe agāravo sikkhāya sagāravo bhavissatīti netaṁ ṭhānaṁ vijjati.
It’s quite impossible for a mendicant who doesn’t respect the Teacher, the teaching, and the Saṅgha to respect the training.

Yo so, bhante, bhikkhu satthari agāravo dhamme agāravo saṅghe agāravo sikkhāyapi so agāravo.
A mendicant who disrespects the Teacher, the teaching, and the Saṅgha disrespects the training.

So vata, bhante, bhikkhu satthari agāravo dhamme agāravo saṅghe agāravo sikkhāya agāravo samādhismiṁ sagāravo bhavissatīti netaṁ ṭhānaṁ vijjati.
It’s quite impossible for a mendicant who doesn’t respect the Teacher, the teaching, the Saṅgha, and the training to respect immersion.

Yo so, bhante, bhikkhu satthari agāravo dhamme agāravo saṅghe agāravo sikkhāya agāravo samādhismimpi so agāravo.
A mendicant who disrespects the Teacher, the teaching, the Saṅgha, and the training disrespects immersion.

So vata, bhante, bhikkhu satthari agāravo dhamme agāravo saṅghe agāravo sikkhāya agāravo samādhismiṁ agāravo appamāde sagāravo bhavissatīti netaṁ ṭhānaṁ vijjati.
It’s quite impossible for a mendicant who doesn’t respect the Teacher, the teaching, the Saṅgha, the training, and immersion to respect diligence.

Yo so, bhante, bhikkhu satthari agāravo dhamme agāravo saṅghe agāravo sikkhāya agāravo samādhismiṁ agāravo appamādepi so agāravo.
A mendicant who disrespects the Teacher, the teaching, the Saṅgha, the training, and immersion disrespects diligence.

So vata, bhante, bhikkhu satthari agāravo dhamme agāravo saṅghe agāravo sikkhāya agāravo samādhismiṁ agāravo appamāde agāravo paṭisanthāre sagāravo bhavissatīti netaṁ ṭhānaṁ vijjati.
It’s quite impossible for a mendicant who doesn’t respect the Teacher, the teaching, the Saṅgha, the training, immersion, and diligence to respect hospitality.

Yo so, bhante, bhikkhu satthari agāravo …pe… appamāde agāravo paṭisanthārepi so agāravo.
A mendicant who disrespects the Teacher, the teaching, the Saṅgha, the training, immersion, and diligence disrespects hospitality.

So vata, bhante, bhikkhu satthari sagāravo dhamme agāravo bhavissatīti netaṁ ṭhānaṁ vijjati. Yo so, bhante, bhikkhu satthari sagāravo dhammepi so sagāravo …pe….
It’s quite impossible for a mendicant who does respect the Teacher to disrespect the teaching. …

So vata, bhante, bhikkhu satthari sagāravo …pe… appamāde sagāravo paṭisanthāre agāravo bhavissatīti netaṁ ṭhānaṁ vijjati.

Yo so, bhante, bhikkhu satthari sagāravo …pe… appamāde sagāravo paṭisanthārepi so sagāravo.
A mendicant who respects the Teacher, the teaching, the Saṅgha, the training, immersion, and diligence respects hospitality.

So vata, bhante, bhikkhu satthari sagāravo dhammepi sagāravo bhavissatīti ṭhānametaṁ vijjati. Yo so, bhante, bhikkhu satthari sagāravo dhammepi so sagāravo …pe….
It’s quite possible for a mendicant who respects the Teacher to respect teaching. …

So vata, bhante, bhikkhu satthari sagāravo …pe… appamāde sagāravo paṭisanthārepi sagāravo bhavissatīti ṭhānametaṁ vijjati.

Yo so, bhante, bhikkhu satthari sagāravo dhamme sagāravo saṅghe sagāravo sikkhāya sagāravo samādhismiṁ sagāravo appamāde sagāravo paṭisanthārepi so sagāravoti.
A mendicant who respects the Teacher, the teaching, the Saṅgha, the training, immersion, and diligence respects hospitality.

Imassa kho ahaṁ, bhante, bhagavatā saṅkhittena bhāsitassa evaṁ vitthārena atthaṁ ājānāmī”ti.
That’s how I understand the detailed meaning of the Buddha’s brief statement.”

“Sādhu sādhu, sāriputta.
“Good, good, Sāriputta!

Sādhu kho tvaṁ, sāriputta, imassa mayā saṅkhittena bhāsitassa evaṁ vitthārena atthaṁ ājānāsi.
It’s good that you understand the detailed meaning of what I’ve said in brief like this.

So vata, sāriputta, bhikkhu satthari agāravo dhamme sagāravo bhavissatīti netaṁ ṭhānaṁ vijjati …pe…
It’s quite impossible for a mendicant who doesn’t respect the Teacher to respect the teaching. …

yo so, sāriputta, bhikkhu satthari agāravo dhamme agāravo saṅghe agāravo sikkhāya agāravo samādhismiṁ agāravo appamādepi so agāravo.

So vata, sāriputta, bhikkhu satthari agāravo dhamme agāravo saṅghe agāravo sikkhāya agāravo samādhismiṁ agāravo appamāde agāravo paṭisanthāre sagāravo bhavissatīti netaṁ ṭhānaṁ vijjati.

Yo so, sāriputta, bhikkhu satthari agāravo dhamme agāravo saṅghe agāravo sikkhāya agāravo samādhismiṁ agāravo appamāde agāravo paṭisanthārepi so agāravo.
A mendicant who disrespects the Teacher, the teaching, the Saṅgha, the training, immersion, and diligence disrespects hospitality.

So vata, sāriputta, bhikkhu satthari sagāravo dhamme agāravo bhavissatīti netaṁ ṭhānaṁ vijjati …pe… yo so, sāriputta, bhikkhu satthari sagāravo dhammepi so sagāravo …pe….
It’s quite impossible for a mendicant who does respect the Teacher to disrespect the teaching. …

So vata, sāriputta, bhikkhu satthari sagāravo dhamme sagāravo …pe… appamāde sagāravo paṭisanthāre agāravo bhavissatīti netaṁ ṭhānaṁ vijjati.

Yo so, sāriputta, bhikkhu satthari sagāravo …pe… appamāde sagāravo paṭisanthārepi so sagāravo.
A mendicant who respects the Teacher, the teaching, the Saṅgha, the training, immersion, and diligence respects hospitality.

So vata, sāriputta, bhikkhu satthari sagāravo dhammepi sagāravo bhavissatīti ṭhānametaṁ vijjati. Yo so, sāriputta, bhikkhu satthari sagāravo dhammepi so sagāravo …pe….
It’s quite possible for a mendicant who does respect the Teacher to respect the teaching. …

So vata, sāriputta, bhikkhu satthari sagāravo …pe… appamāde sagāravo paṭisanthārepi so sagāravo bhavissatīti ṭhānametaṁ vijjati.

Yo so, sāriputta, bhikkhu satthari sagāravo …pe… appamāde sagāravo paṭisanthārepi so sagāravoti.
A mendicant who respects the Teacher, the teaching, the Saṅgha, the training, immersion, and diligence respects hospitality.

Imassa kho, sāriputta, mayā saṅkhittena bhāsitassa evaṁ vitthārena attho daṭṭhabbo”ti.
This is how to understand the detailed meaning of what I said in brief.”
