sutta » an » an7 » Aṅguttara Nikāya 7

Translators: sujato

Numbered Discourses 7

10. Āhuneyyavagga
10. Worthy of Offerings


Observing Suffering in the Eye, Etc.

“Sattime, bhikkhave, puggalā āhuneyyā pāhuneyyā …pe… anuttaraṁ puññakkhettaṁ lokassa.
“Mendicants, these seven people are worthy of offerings …

Katame satta?
What seven?

Idha, bhikkhave, ekacco puggalo cakkhusmiṁ dukkhānupassī viharati …pe…
First, take a person who meditates observing suffering in the eye. …

cakkhusmiṁ anattānupassī viharati …pe…
observing not-self in the eye. …

cakkhusmiṁ khayānupassī viharati …pe…
observing ending in the eye. …

cakkhusmiṁ vayānupassī viharati …pe…
observing vanishing in the eye. …

cakkhusmiṁ virāgānupassī viharati …pe…
observing fading away in the eye. …

cakkhusmiṁ nirodhānupassī viharati …pe…
observing cessation in the eye. …

cakkhusmiṁ paṭinissaggānupassī viharati …pe….
observing letting go in the eye. …

Sotasmiṁ …pe…
ear …

ghānasmiṁ …
nose …

jivhāya …
tongue …

kāyasmiṁ …
body …

manasmiṁ …pe….
mind …

Rūpesu …pe…
sights …

saddesu …
sounds …

gandhesu …
smells …

rasesu …
tastes …

phoṭṭhabbesu …
touches …

dhammesu …pe….
ideas …

Cakkhuviññāṇe …pe…
eye consciousness …

sotaviññāṇe …
ear consciousness …

ghānaviññāṇe …
nose consciousness …

jivhāviññāṇe …
tongue consciousness …

kāyaviññāṇe …
body consciousness …

manoviññāṇe …pe….
mind consciousness …

Cakkhusamphasse …pe…
eye contact …

sotasamphasse …
ear contact …

ghānasamphasse …
nose contact …

jivhāsamphasse …
tongue contact …

kāyasamphasse …
body contact …

manosamphasse …pe….
mind contact …

Cakkhusamphassajāya vedanāya …pe…
feeling born of eye contact …

sotasamphassajāya vedanāya …
feeling born of ear contact …

ghānasamphassajāya vedanāya …
feeling born of nose contact …

jivhāsamphassajāya vedanāya …
feeling born of tongue contact …

kāyasamphassajāya vedanāya …
feeling born of body contact …

manosamphassajāya vedanāya …pe….
feeling born of mind contact …

Rūpasaññāya …pe…
perception of sights …

saddasaññāya …
perception of sounds …

gandhasaññāya …
perception of smells …

rasasaññāya …
perception of tastes …

phoṭṭhabbasaññāya …
perception of touches …

dhammasaññāya …pe….
perception of ideas …

Rūpasañcetanāya …pe…
intention regarding sights …

saddasañcetanāya …
intention regarding sounds …

gandhasañcetanāya …
intention regarding smells …

rasasañcetanāya …
intention regarding tastes …

phoṭṭhabbasañcetanāya …
intention regarding touches …

dhammasañcetanāya …pe….
intention regarding ideas …

Rūpataṇhāya …pe…
craving for sights …

saddataṇhāya …
craving for sounds …

gandhataṇhāya …
craving for smells …

rasataṇhāya …
craving for tastes …

phoṭṭhabbataṇhāya …
craving for touches …

dhammataṇhāya …pe….
craving for ideas …

Rūpavitakke …pe…
thoughts about sights …

saddavitakke …
thoughts about sounds …

gandhavitakke …
thoughts about smells …

rasavitakke …
thoughts about tastes …

phoṭṭhabbavitakke …
thoughts about touches …

dhammavitakke …pe….
thoughts about ideas …

Rūpavicāre …pe…
considerations regarding sights …

saddavicāre …
considerations regarding sounds …

gandhavicāre …
considerations regarding smells …

rasavicāre …
considerations regarding tastes …

phoṭṭhabbavicāre …
considerations regarding touches …

dhammavicāre …pe….
considerations regarding ideas …

Pañcakkhandhe …pe…
meditates observing impermanence in the five aggregates …

rūpakkhandhe …
the aggregate of form …

vedanākkhandhe …
the aggregate of feeling …

saññākkhandhe …
the aggregate of perception …

saṅkhārakkhandhe …
the aggregate of choices …

viññāṇakkhandhe aniccānupassī viharati …pe…
the aggregate of consciousness …

dukkhānupassī viharati …
meditates observing suffering …

anattānupassī viharati …
not-self …

khayānupassī viharati …
ending …

vayānupassī viharati …
vanishing …

virāgānupassī viharati …
fading away …

nirodhānupassī viharati …
cessation …

paṭinissaggānupassī viharati …pe…
letting go …”



viññāṇesu ca phassesu;

Vedanāsu ca dvārassa,

suttā honti visuṁ aṭṭha.

Saññā sañcetanā taṇhā,

vitakkesu vicāre ca;

Gocarassa visuṁ aṭṭha,

pañcakkhandhe ca pacceke.

Soḷasasvettha mūlesu,

aniccaṁ dukkhamanattā;

Khayā vayā virāgā ca,

nirodhā paṭinissaggā.

Kamaṁ aṭṭhānupassanā,

yojetvāna visuṁ visuṁ;

Sampiṇḍitesu sabbesu,

honti pañca satāni ca;

Aṭṭhavīsati suttāni,

āhuneyye ca vaggike”.

Āhuneyyavaggo dasamo.