sutta » an » an8 » Aṅguttara Nikāya 8.15

Translators: sujato

Numbered Discourses 8.15

2. Mahāvagga
2. The Great Chapter



“Aṭṭhimāni, bhikkhave, malāni.
“Mendicants, there are these eight stains.

Katamāni aṭṭha?
What eight?

Asajjhāyamalā, bhikkhave, mantā;
Not reciting is the stain of hymns.

anuṭṭhānamalā, bhikkhave, gharā;
Neglect is the stain of houses.

malaṁ, bhikkhave, vaṇṇassa kosajjaṁ;
Laziness is the stain of beauty.

pamādo, bhikkhave, rakkhato malaṁ;
Negligence is a guard’s stain.

malaṁ, bhikkhave, itthiyā duccaritaṁ;
Misconduct is a woman’s stain.

maccheraṁ, bhikkhave, dadato malaṁ;
Stinginess is a giver’s stain.

malā, bhikkhave, pāpakā akusalā dhammā asmiṁ loke paramhi ca;
Bad, unskillful qualities are a stain in this world and the next.

tato, bhikkhave, malā malataraṁ avijjā paramaṁ malaṁ.
Worse than any of these is ignorance, the worst stain of all.

Imāni kho, bhikkhave, aṭṭha malānīti.
These are the eight stains.

Asajjhāyamalā mantā,
Not reciting is the stain of hymns.

anuṭṭhānamalā gharā;
The stain of houses is neglect.

Malaṁ vaṇṇassa kosajjaṁ,
Laziness is the stain of beauty.

pamādo rakkhato malaṁ.
A guard’s stain is negligence.

Malitthiyā duccaritaṁ,
Misconduct is a woman’s stain.

maccheraṁ dadato malaṁ;
A giver’s stain is stinginess.

Malā ve pāpakā dhammā,
Bad qualities are a stain

asmiṁ loke paramhi ca;
in this world and the next.

Tato malā malataraṁ,
But a worse stain than these

avijjā paramaṁ malan”ti.
is ignorance, the worst stain of all.”
