sutta » an » an8 » Aṅguttara Nikāya 8.33

Translators: sujato

Numbered Discourses 8.33

4. Dānavagga
4. Giving


Reasons to Give

“Aṭṭhimāni, bhikkhave, dānavatthūni.
“Mendicants, there are these eight grounds for giving.

Katamāni aṭṭha?
What eight?

Chandā dānaṁ deti, dosā dānaṁ deti, mohā dānaṁ deti, bhayā dānaṁ deti, ‘dinnapubbaṁ katapubbaṁ pitupitāmahehi, nārahāmi porāṇaṁ kulavaṁsaṁ hāpetun’ti dānaṁ deti, ‘imāhaṁ dānaṁ datvā kāyassa bhedā paraṁ maraṇā sugatiṁ saggaṁ lokaṁ upapajjissāmī’ti dānaṁ deti, ‘imaṁ me dānaṁ dadato cittaṁ pasīdati, attamanatā somanassaṁ upajāyatī’ti dānaṁ deti, cittālaṅkāracittaparikkhāratthaṁ dānaṁ deti.
A person might give a gift out of favoritism or hostility or stupidity or cowardice. Or they give thinking, ‘Giving was practiced by my father and my father’s father. It would not be right for me to abandon this family tradition.’ Or they give thinking, ‘After I’ve given this gift, when my body breaks up, after death, I’ll be reborn in a good place, a heavenly realm.’ Or they give thinking, ‘When giving this gift my mind becomes clear, and I become happy and joyful.’ Or they give a gift thinking, ‘This is an adornment and requisite for the mind.’

Imāni kho, bhikkhave, aṭṭha dānavatthūnī”ti.
These are the eight grounds for giving.”
