sutta » an » an8 » Aṅguttara Nikāya 8.37

Translators: sujato

Numbered Discourses 8.37

4. Dānavagga
4. Giving


Gifts of a True Person

“Aṭṭhimāni, bhikkhave, sappurisadānāni.
“Mendicants, there are these eight gifts of a true person.

Katamāni aṭṭha?
What eight?

Suciṁ deti, paṇītaṁ deti, kālena deti, kappiyaṁ deti, viceyya deti, abhiṇhaṁ deti, dadaṁ cittaṁ pasādeti, datvā attamano hoti.
Their gift is pure, good quality, timely, appropriate, intelligent, and regular. While giving their heart is confident, and afterwards they’re uplifted.

Imāni kho, bhikkhave, aṭṭha sappurisadānānīti.
These are the eight gifts of a true person.

Suciṁ paṇītaṁ kālena,
He gives pure, good quality, and timely gifts

kappiyaṁ pānabhojanaṁ;
of appropriate food and drinks

Abhiṇhaṁ dadāti dānaṁ,
regularly to spiritual practitioners

sukhettesu brahmacārisu.
who are fertile fields of merit.

Neva vippaṭisārissa,
They never regret

cajitvā āmisaṁ bahuṁ;
giving away many things of the flesh.

Evaṁ dinnāni dānāni,
Discerning people praise

vaṇṇayanti vipassino.
giving such gifts.

Evaṁ yajitvā medhāvī,
An intelligent person sacrifices like this,

saddho muttena cetasā;
faithful, with a mind of letting go.

Abyābajjhaṁ sukhaṁ lokaṁ,
Such an astute person is reborn

paṇḍito upapajjatī”ti.
in a happy, pleasing world.”
