sutta » an » an8 » Aṅguttara Nikāya 8.84

Translators: sujato

Numbered Discourses 8.84

9. Sativagga
9. Mindfulness


A Master Thief

“Aṭṭhahi, bhikkhave, aṅgehi samannāgato mahācoro khippaṁ pariyāpajjati, na ciraṭṭhitiko hoti.
“Mendicants, a master thief with eight factors is soon executed, and doesn’t have long to live.

Katamehi aṭṭhahi?
What eight?

Appaharantassa paharati, anavasesaṁ ādiyati, itthiṁ hanati, kumāriṁ dūseti, pabbajitaṁ vilumpati, rājakosaṁ vilumpati, accāsanne kammaṁ karoti, na ca nidhānakusalo hoti.
He attacks unprovoked. He steals everything without exception. He kills a woman. He rapes a girl. He robs a monk. He robs the royal treasury. He works close to home. He’s not skilled at hiding his booty.

Imehi kho, bhikkhave, aṭṭhahaṅgehi samannāgato mahācoro khippaṁ pariyāpajjati, na ciraṭṭhitiko hoti.
A master thief with these eight factors is soon executed, and doesn’t have long to live.

Aṭṭhahi, bhikkhave, aṅgehi samannāgato mahācoro na khippaṁ pariyāpajjati, ciraṭṭhitiko hoti.
A master thief with eight factors is not soon executed, and lives long.

Katamehi aṭṭhahi?
What eight?

Na appaharantassa paharati, na anavasesaṁ ādiyati, na itthiṁ hanati, na kumāriṁ dūseti, na pabbajitaṁ vilumpati, na rājakosaṁ vilumpati, na accāsanne kammaṁ karoti, nidhānakusalo ca hoti.
He doesn’t attack unprovoked. He doesn’t steal everything without exception. He doesn’t kill a woman. He doesn’t rape a girl. He doesn’t rob a monk. He doesn’t rob the royal treasury. He doesn’t work close to home. He’s skilled at hiding his booty.

Imehi kho, bhikkhave, aṭṭhahaṅgehi samannāgato mahācoro na khippaṁ pariyāpajjati, ciraṭṭhitiko hotī”ti.
A master thief with these eight factors is not soon executed, and lives long.”
