sutta » an » an8 » Aṅguttara Nikāya 8

Translators: sujato

Numbered Discourses 8

11. Rāgapeyyāla
11. Abbreviated Texts Beginning With Greed


Untitled Discourse on Greed (2nd)

“Rāgassa, bhikkhave, abhiññāya aṭṭha dhammā bhāvetabbā.
“For insight into greed, eight things should be developed.

Katame aṭṭha?
What eight?

Ajjhattaṁ rūpasaññī bahiddhā rūpāni passati parittāni suvaṇṇadubbaṇṇāni,
Perceiving form internally, they see forms externally, limited, both pretty and ugly.

tāni abhibhuyya ‘jānāmi passāmī’ti evaṁsaññī hoti.
Mastering them, they perceive: ‘I know and see.’

Ajjhattaṁ rūpasaññī bahiddhā rūpāni passati appamāṇāni suvaṇṇadubbaṇṇāni, tāni abhibhuyya ‘jānāmi passāmī’ti evaṁsaññī hoti.
Perceiving form internally, they see forms externally, limitless, both pretty and ugly. …

Ajjhattaṁ arūpasaññī bahiddhā rūpāni passati parittāni suvaṇṇadubbaṇṇāni, tāni abhibhuyya ‘jānāmi passāmī’ti evaṁsaññī hoti.
Not perceiving form internally, they see forms externally, limited, both pretty and ugly. …

Ajjhattaṁ arūpasaññī bahiddhā rūpāni passati appamāṇāni suvaṇṇadubbaṇṇāni, tāni abhibhuyya ‘jānāmi passāmī’ti evaṁsaññī hoti.
Not perceiving form internally, they see forms externally, limitless, both pretty and ugly. …

Ajjhattaṁ arūpasaññī bahiddhā rūpāni passati nīlāni nīlavaṇṇāni nīlanidassanāni nīlanibhāsāni
Not perceiving form internally, they see forms externally, blue, with blue color and blue appearance. …

pītāni pītavaṇṇāni …pe…
yellow …

lohitakāni lohitakavaṇṇāni …pe…
red …

odātāni odātavaṇṇāni …pe… odātanibhāsāni,
Not perceiving form internally, they see forms externally, white, with white color and white appearance.

tāni abhibhuyya ‘jānāmi passāmī’ti evaṁsaññī hoti—
Mastering them, they perceive: ‘I know and see.’

rāgassa, bhikkhave, abhiññāya ime aṭṭha dhammā bhāvetabbā”.
For insight into greed, these eight things should be developed.”