sutta » an » an9 » Aṅguttara Nikāya 9.29

Translators: sujato

Numbered Discourses 9.29

3. Sattāvāsavagga
3. Abodes of Sentient Beings


Grounds for Resentment

“Navayimāni, bhikkhave, āghātavatthūni.
“Mendicants, there are nine grounds for resentment.

Katamāni nava?
What nine?

‘Anatthaṁ me acarī’ti āghātaṁ bandhati;
Thinking: ‘They did wrong to me,’ you harbor resentment.

‘anatthaṁ me caratī’ti āghātaṁ bandhati;
Thinking: ‘They are doing wrong to me’ …

‘anatthaṁ me carissatī’ti āghātaṁ bandhati;
‘They will do wrong to me’ …

‘piyassa me manāpassa anatthaṁ acarī’ti …pe…
‘They did wrong to someone I love’ …

‘anatthaṁ caratī’ti …pe…
‘They are doing wrong to someone I love’ …

‘anatthaṁ carissatī’ti āghātaṁ bandhati;
‘They will do wrong to someone I love’ …

‘appiyassa me amanāpassa atthaṁ acarī’ti …pe…
‘They helped someone I dislike’ …

‘atthaṁ caratī’ti …pe…
‘They are helping someone I dislike’ …

‘atthaṁ carissatī’ti āghātaṁ bandhati.
Thinking: ‘They will help someone I dislike,’ you harbor resentment.

Imāni kho, bhikkhave, nava āghātavatthūnī”ti.
These are the nine grounds for resentment.”
