sutta » an » an10 » Aṅguttara Nikāya 10.3

Translators: sujato

Numbered Discourses 10.3

1. Ānisaṁsavagga
1. Benefits


Vital Conditions (1st)

“Dussīlassa, bhikkhave, sīlavipannassa hatūpaniso hoti avippaṭisāro;
“Mendicants, an unethical person, who lacks ethics, has destroyed a vital condition for having no regrets.

avippaṭisāre asati avippaṭisāravipannassa hatūpanisaṁ hoti pāmojjaṁ;
When there are regrets, one who has regrets has destroyed a vital condition for joy.

pāmojje asati pāmojjavipannassa hatūpanisā hoti pīti;
When there is no joy, one who lacks joy has destroyed a vital condition for rapture.

pītiyā asati pītivipannassa hatūpanisā hoti passaddhi;
When there is no rapture, one who lacks rapture has destroyed a vital condition for tranquility.

passaddhiyā asati passaddhivipannassa hatūpanisaṁ hoti sukhaṁ;
When there is no tranquility, one who lacks tranquility has destroyed a vital condition for bliss.

sukhe asati sukhavipannassa hatūpaniso hoti sammāsamādhi;
When there is no bliss, one who lacks bliss has destroyed a vital condition for right immersion.

sammāsamādhimhi asati sammāsamādhivipannassa hatūpanisaṁ hoti yathābhūtañāṇadassanaṁ;
When there is no right immersion, one who lacks right immersion has destroyed a vital condition for true knowledge and vision.

yathābhūtañāṇadassane asati yathābhūtañāṇadassanavipannassa hatūpaniso hoti nibbidāvirāgo;
When there is no true knowledge and vision, one who lacks true knowledge and vision has destroyed a vital condition for disillusionment and dispassion.

nibbidāvirāge asati nibbidāvirāgavipannassa hatūpanisaṁ hoti vimuttiñāṇadassanaṁ.
When there is no disillusionment and dispassion, one who lacks disillusionment and dispassion has destroyed a vital condition for knowledge and vision of freedom.

Seyyathāpi, bhikkhave, rukkho sākhāpalāsavipanno. Tassa papaṭikāpi na pāripūriṁ gacchati, tacopi … pheggupi … sāropi na pāripūriṁ gacchati.
Suppose there was a tree that lacked branches and foliage. Its shoots, bark, softwood, and heartwood would not grow to fullness.

Evamevaṁ kho, bhikkhave, dussīlassa sīlavipannassa hatūpaniso hoti avippaṭisāro;
In the same way, an unethical person, who lacks ethics, has destroyed a vital condition for having no regrets.

avippaṭisāre asati avippaṭisāravipannassa hatūpanisaṁ hoti …pe…
When there are regrets, one who has regrets has destroyed a vital condition for joy. …

One who lacks disillusionment and dispassion has destroyed a vital condition for knowledge and vision of freedom.

Sīlavato, bhikkhave, sīlasampannassa upanisasampanno hoti avippaṭisāro;
An ethical person, who has fulfilled ethics, has fulfilled a vital condition for not having regrets.

avippaṭisāre sati avippaṭisārasampannassa upanisasampannaṁ hoti pāmojjaṁ;
When there are no regrets, one who has no regrets has fulfilled a vital condition for joy.

pāmojje sati pāmojjasampannassa upanisasampannā hoti pīti;
When there is joy, one who has fulfilled joy has fulfilled a vital condition for rapture.

pītiyā sati pītisampannassa upanisasampannā hoti passaddhi;
When there is rapture, one who has fulfilled rapture has fulfilled a vital condition for tranquility.

passaddhiyā sati passaddhisampannassa upanisasampannaṁ hoti sukhaṁ;
When there is tranquility, one who has fulfilled tranquility has fulfilled a vital condition for bliss.

sukhe sati sukhasampannassa upanisasampanno hoti sammāsamādhi;
When there is bliss, one who has fulfilled bliss has fulfilled a vital condition for right immersion.

sammāsamādhimhi sati sammāsamādhisampannassa upanisasampannaṁ hoti yathābhūtañāṇadassanaṁ;
When there is right immersion, one who has fulfilled right immersion has fulfilled a vital condition for true knowledge and vision.

yathābhūtañāṇadassane sati yathābhūtañāṇadassanasampannassa upanisasampanno hoti nibbidāvirāgo;
When there is true knowledge and vision, one who has fulfilled true knowledge and vision has fulfilled a vital condition for disillusionment and dispassion.

nibbidāvirāge sati nibbidāvirāgasampannassa upanisasampannaṁ hoti vimuttiñāṇadassanaṁ.
When there is disillusionment and dispassion, one who has fulfilled disillusionment and dispassion has fulfilled a vital condition for knowledge and vision of freedom.

Seyyathāpi, bhikkhave, rukkho sākhāpalāsasampanno. Tassa papaṭikāpi pāripūriṁ gacchati, tacopi … pheggupi … sāropi pāripūriṁ gacchati.
Suppose there was a tree that was complete with branches and foliage. Its shoots, bark, softwood, and heartwood would grow to fullness.

Evamevaṁ kho, bhikkhave, sīlavato sīlasampannassa upanisasampanno hoti avippaṭisāro;
In the same way, an ethical person, who has fulfilled ethics, has fulfilled a vital condition for not having regrets.

avippaṭisāre sati avippaṭisārasampannassa upanisasampannaṁ hoti …pe…
When there are no regrets, one who has no regrets has fulfilled a vital condition for joy. …

One who has fulfilled disillusionment and dispassion has fulfilled a vital condition for knowledge and vision of freedom.”
