sutta » an » an10 » Aṅguttara Nikāya 10.19

Translators: sujato

Numbered Discourses 10.19

2. Nāthavagga
2. A Protector


Abodes of the Noble Ones (1st)

“Dasayime, bhikkhave, ariyāvāsā, ye ariyā āvasiṁsu vā āvasanti vā āvasissanti vā.
“There are these ten abodes of the noble ones in which the noble ones of the past, present, and future abide.

Katame dasa?
What ten?

Idha, bhikkhave, bhikkhu pañcaṅgavippahīno hoti, chaḷaṅgasamannāgato, ekārakkho, caturāpasseno, paṇunnapaccekasacco, samavayasaṭṭhesano, anāvilasaṅkappo, passaddhakāyasaṅkhāro, suvimuttacitto, suvimuttapañño.
A mendicant has given up five factors, is endowed with six factors, has a single guard, has four supports, has eliminated idiosyncratic interpretations of the truth, has totally given up searching, has pure intentions, has stilled the physical process, and is well freed in mind and well freed by wisdom.

Ime kho, bhikkhave, dasa ariyāvāsā, ye ariyā āvasiṁsu vā āvasanti vā āvasissanti vā”ti.
These are the ten abodes of the noble ones in which the noble ones of the past, present, and future abide.”
