sutta » an » an10 » Aṅguttara Nikāya 10.24

Translators: sujato

Numbered Discourses 10.24

3. Mahāvagga
3. The Great Chapter


By Mahācunda

Ekaṁ samayaṁ āyasmā mahācundo cetīsu viharati sahajātiyaṁ.
At one time Venerable Mahācunda was staying in the land of the Cetīs at Sahajāti.

Tatra kho āyasmā mahācundo bhikkhū āmantesi:
There he addressed the mendicants:

“āvuso bhikkhave”ti.
“Reverends, mendicants!”

“Āvuso”ti kho te bhikkhū āyasmato mahācundassa paccassosuṁ.
“Reverend,” they replied.

Āyasmā mahācundo etadavoca:
Venerable Mahācunda said this:

“Ñāṇavādaṁ, āvuso, bhikkhu vadamāno:
“Reverends, a mendicant who makes a declaration of knowledge says:

‘jānāmimaṁ dhammaṁ, passāmimaṁ dhamman’ti.
‘I know this teaching, I see this teaching.’

Tañce, āvuso, bhikkhuṁ lobho abhibhuyya tiṭṭhati,
Suppose that greed masters that mendicant and keeps going.

doso …
Or that hate …

moho …
delusion …

kodho …
anger …

upanāho …
hostility …

makkho …
disdain …

paḷāso …
contempt …

macchariyaṁ …
stinginess …

pāpikā issā …
nasty jealousy …

pāpikā icchā abhibhuyya tiṭṭhati, so evamassa veditabbo:
or corrupt wishes master that mendicant and keep going. You should know of them:

‘nāyamāyasmā tathā pajānāti yathā pajānato lobho na hoti, tathāhimaṁ āyasmantaṁ lobho abhibhuyya tiṭṭhati;
‘This venerable does not have the understanding that would eliminate greed, so greed masters them and keeps going.

nāyamāyasmā tathā pajānāti yathā pajānato doso na hoti …
They don’t have the understanding that would eliminate hate …

moho …
delusion …

kodho …
anger …

upanāho …
hostility …

makkho …
disdain …

paḷāso …
contempt …

macchariyaṁ …
stinginess …

pāpikā issā …
nasty jealousy …

pāpikā icchā na hoti, tathāhimaṁ āyasmantaṁ pāpikā icchā abhibhuyya tiṭṭhatī’ti.
or corrupt wishes, so corrupt wishes master them and keep going.’

Bhāvanāvādaṁ, āvuso, bhikkhu vadamāno:
A mendicant who makes a declaration of development says:

‘bhāvitakāyomhi bhāvitasīlo bhāvitacitto bhāvitapañño’ti.
‘I am developed in physical endurance, ethics, mind, and wisdom.’

Tañce, āvuso, bhikkhuṁ lobho abhibhuyya tiṭṭhati,
Suppose that greed masters that mendicant and keeps going.

doso …
Or that hate …

moho …
delusion …

kodho …
anger …

upanāho …
hostility …

makkho …
disdain …

paḷāso …
contempt …

macchariyaṁ …
stinginess …

pāpikā issā …
nasty jealousy …

pāpikā icchā abhibhuyya tiṭṭhati, so evamassa veditabbo:
or corrupt wishes master that mendicant and keep going. You should know of them:

‘nāyamāyasmā tathā pajānāti yathā pajānato lobho na hoti, tathāhimaṁ āyasmantaṁ lobho abhibhuyya tiṭṭhati;
‘This venerable does not have the understanding that would eliminate greed, so greed masters them and keeps going.

nāyamāyasmā tathā pajānāti yathā pajānato doso na hoti …
They don’t have the understanding that would eliminate hate …

moho …
delusion …

kodho …
anger …

upanāho …
hostility …

makkho …
disdain …

paḷāso …
contempt …

macchariyaṁ …
stinginess …

pāpikā issā …
nasty jealousy …

pāpikā icchā na hoti, tathāhimaṁ āyasmantaṁ pāpikā icchā abhibhuyya tiṭṭhatī’ti.
or corrupt wishes, so corrupt wishes master them and keep going.’

Ñāṇavādañca, āvuso, bhikkhu vadamāno bhāvanāvādañca:
A mendicant who makes a declaration of both knowledge and development says:

‘jānāmimaṁ dhammaṁ, passāmimaṁ dhammaṁ, bhāvitakāyomhi bhāvitasīlo bhāvitacitto bhāvitapañño’ti.
‘I know this teaching, I see this teaching. And I am developed in physical endurance, ethics, mind, and wisdom.’

Tañce, āvuso, bhikkhuṁ lobho abhibhuyya tiṭṭhati,
Suppose that greed masters that mendicant and keeps going.

doso …
Or that hate …

moho …
delusion …

kodho …
anger …

upanāho …
hostility …

makkho …
disdain …

paḷāso …
contempt …

macchariyaṁ …
stinginess …

pāpikā issā …
nasty jealousy …

pāpikā icchā abhibhuyya tiṭṭhati, so evamassa veditabbo:
or corrupt wishes master that mendicant and keep going. You should know of them:

‘nāyamāyasmā tathā pajānāti yathā pajānato lobho na hoti, tathāhimaṁ āyasmantaṁ lobho abhibhuyya tiṭṭhati;
‘This venerable does not have the understanding that would eliminate greed, so greed masters them and keeps going.

nāyamāyasmā tathā pajānāti yathā pajānato doso na hoti …
They don’t have the understanding that would eliminate hate …

moho …
delusion …

kodho …
anger …

upanāho …
hostility …

makkho …
disdain …

paḷāso …
contempt …

macchariyaṁ …
stinginess …

pāpikā issā …
nasty jealousy …

pāpikā icchā na hoti, tathāhimaṁ āyasmantaṁ pāpikā icchā abhibhuyya tiṭṭhatī’ti.
or corrupt wishes, so corrupt wishes master them and keep going.’

Seyyathāpi, āvuso, puriso daliddova samāno aḍḍhavādaṁ vadeyya, adhanova samāno dhanavāvādaṁ vadeyya, abhogova samāno bhogavāvādaṁ vadeyya.
Suppose a poor, needy, and penniless person was to declare themselves to be rich, affluent, and wealthy.

So kismiñcideva dhanakaraṇīye samuppanne na sakkuṇeyya upanīhātuṁ dhanaṁ vā dhaññaṁ vā rajataṁ vā jātarūpaṁ vā.
But when it came time to make a payment they weren’t able to come up with any money, grain, silver, or gold.

Tamenaṁ evaṁ jāneyyuṁ:
Then they would know of them:

‘daliddova ayamāyasmā samāno aḍḍhavādaṁ vadeti, adhanova ayamāyasmā samāno dhanavāvādaṁ vadeti, abhogavāva ayamāyasmā samāno bhogavāvādaṁ vadeti.
‘This person declares themselves to be rich, affluent, and wealthy, but they are in fact poor, penniless, and needy.’

Taṁ kissa hetu?
Why is that?

Tathā hi ayamāyasmā kismiñcideva dhanakaraṇīye samuppanne na sakkoti upanīhātuṁ dhanaṁ vā dhaññaṁ vā rajataṁ vā jātarūpaṁ vā’ti.
Because when it came time to make a payment they weren’t able to come up with any money, grain, silver, or gold.

Evamevaṁ kho, āvuso, ñāṇavādañca bhikkhu vadamāno bhāvanāvādañca:
In the same way, a mendicant who makes a declaration of knowledge and development says:

‘jānāmimaṁ dhammaṁ, passāmimaṁ dhammaṁ, bhāvitakāyomhi bhāvitasīlo bhāvitacitto bhāvitapañño’ti.
‘I know this teaching, I see this teaching. And I am developed in physical endurance, ethics, mind, and wisdom.’

Tañce, āvuso, bhikkhuṁ lobho abhibhuyya tiṭṭhati,
Suppose that greed masters that mendicant and keeps going.

doso …
Or that hate …

moho …
delusion …

kodho …
anger …

upanāho …
hostility …

makkho …
disdain …

paḷāso …
contempt …

macchariyaṁ …
stinginess …

pāpikā issā …
nasty jealousy …

pāpikā icchā abhibhuyya tiṭṭhati, so evamassa veditabbo:
or corrupt wishes master that mendicant and keep going. You should know of them:

‘nāyamāyasmā tathā pajānāti yathā pajānato lobho na hoti, tathāhimaṁ āyasmantaṁ lobho abhibhuyya tiṭṭhati;
‘This venerable does not have the understanding that would eliminate greed, so greed masters them and keeps going.

nāyamāyasmā tathā pajānāti yathā pajānato doso na hoti …
They don’t have the understanding that would eliminate hate …

moho …
delusion …

kodho …
anger …

upanāho …
hostility …

makkho …
disdain …

paḷāso …
contempt …

macchariyaṁ …
stinginess …

pāpikā issā …
nasty jealousy …

pāpikā icchā na hoti, tathāhimaṁ āyasmantaṁ pāpikā icchā abhibhuyya tiṭṭhatī’ti.
or corrupt wishes, so corrupt wishes master them and keep going.’

Ñāṇavādaṁ, āvuso, bhikkhu vadamāno:
A mendicant who makes a declaration of knowledge says:

‘jānāmimaṁ dhammaṁ, passāmimaṁ dhamman’ti.
‘I know this teaching, I see this teaching.’

Tañce, āvuso, bhikkhuṁ lobho nābhibhuyya tiṭṭhati,
Suppose that greed does not master that mendicant and keep going.

doso …
Or that hate …

moho …
delusion …

kodho …
anger …

upanāho …
hostility …

makkho …
disdain …

paḷāso …
contempt …

macchariyaṁ …
stinginess …

pāpikā issā …
nasty jealousy …

pāpikā icchā nābhibhuyya tiṭṭhati, so evamassa veditabbo:
or corrupt wishes don’t master that mendicant and keep going. You should know of them:

‘ayamāyasmā tathā pajānāti yathā pajānato lobho na hoti, tathāhimaṁ āyasmantaṁ lobho nābhibhuyya tiṭṭhati;
‘This venerable has the understanding that eliminates greed, so greed doesn’t master them and keep going.

tathā ayamāyasmā pajānāti yathā pajānato doso na hoti …
They have the understanding that eliminates hate …

moho …
delusion …

kodho …
anger …

upanāho …
hostility …

makkho …
disdain …

paḷāso …
contempt …

macchariyaṁ …
stinginess …

pāpikā issā …
nasty jealousy …

pāpikā icchā na hoti, tathāhimaṁ āyasmantaṁ pāpikā icchā nābhibhuyya tiṭṭhatī’ti.
and corrupt wishes, so corrupt wishes don’t master them and keep going.’

Bhāvanāvādaṁ, āvuso, bhikkhu vadamāno:
A mendicant who makes a declaration of development says:

‘bhāvitakāyomhi bhāvitasīlo bhāvitacitto bhāvitapañño’ti.
‘I am developed in physical endurance, ethics, mind, and wisdom.’

Tañce, āvuso, bhikkhuṁ lobho nābhibhuyya tiṭṭhati,
Suppose that greed does not master that mendicant and keep going.

doso …
Or that hate …

moho …
delusion …

kodho …
anger …

upanāho …
hostility …

makkho …
disdain …

paḷāso …
contempt …

macchariyaṁ …
stinginess …

pāpikā issā …
nasty jealousy …

pāpikā icchā nābhibhuyya tiṭṭhati, so evamassa veditabbo:
or corrupt wishes don’t master that mendicant and keep going. You should know of them:

‘tathā ayamāyasmā pajānāti yathā pajānato lobho na hoti, tathāhimaṁ āyasmantaṁ lobho nābhibhuyya tiṭṭhati;
‘This venerable has the understanding that eliminates greed, so greed doesn’t master them and keep going.

tathā ayamāyasmā pajānāti yathā pajānato doso na hoti …
They have the understanding that eliminates hate …

moho …
delusion …

kodho …
anger …

upanāho …
hostility …

makkho …
disdain …

paḷāso …
contempt …

macchariyaṁ …
stinginess …

pāpikā issā …
nasty jealousy …

pāpikā icchā na hoti, tathāhimaṁ āyasmantaṁ pāpikā icchā nābhibhuyya tiṭṭhatī’ti.
and corrupt wishes, so corrupt wishes don’t master them and keep going.’

Ñāṇavādañca, āvuso, bhikkhu vadamāno bhāvanāvādañca:
A mendicant who makes a declaration of both knowledge and development says:

‘jānāmimaṁ dhammaṁ, passāmimaṁ dhammaṁ, bhāvitakāyomhi bhāvitasīlo bhāvitacitto bhāvitapañño’ti.
‘I know this teaching, I see this teaching. And I am developed in physical endurance, ethics, mind, and wisdom.’

Tañce, āvuso, bhikkhuṁ lobho nābhibhuyya tiṭṭhati,
Suppose that greed does not master that mendicant and keep going.

doso …
Or that hate …

moho …
delusion …

kodho …
anger …

upanāho …
hostility …

makkho …
disdain …

paḷāso …
contempt …

macchariyaṁ …
stinginess …

pāpikā issā …
nasty jealousy …

pāpikā icchā nābhibhuyya tiṭṭhati, so evamassa veditabbo:
or corrupt wishes don’t master that mendicant and keep going. You should know of them:

‘tathā ayamāyasmā pajānāti yathā pajānato lobho na hoti, tathāhimaṁ āyasmantaṁ lobho nābhibhuyya tiṭṭhati;
‘This venerable has the understanding that eliminates greed, so greed doesn’t master them and keep going.

tathā ayamāyasmā pajānāti yathā pajānato doso na hoti …
They have the understanding that eliminates hate …

moho …
delusion …

kodho …
anger …

upanāho …
hostility …

makkho …
disdain …

paḷāso …
contempt …

macchariyaṁ …
stinginess …

pāpikā issā …
nasty jealousy …

pāpikā icchā na hoti, tathāhimaṁ āyasmantaṁ pāpikā icchā nābhibhuyya tiṭṭhatī’ti.
and corrupt wishes, so corrupt wishes don’t master them and keep going.’

Seyyathāpi, āvuso, puriso aḍḍhova samāno aḍḍhavādaṁ vadeyya, dhanavāva samāno dhanavāvādaṁ vadeyya, bhogavāva samāno bhogavāvādaṁ vadeyya.
Suppose a rich, affluent, and wealthy person was to declare themselves to be rich, affluent, and wealthy.

So kismiñcideva dhanakaraṇīye samuppanne sakkuṇeyya upanīhātuṁ dhanaṁ vā dhaññaṁ vā rajataṁ vā jātarūpaṁ vā.
And whenever it came time to make a payment they were able to come up with the money, grain, silver, or gold.

Tamenaṁ evaṁ jāneyyuṁ:
Then they would know of them:

‘aḍḍhova ayamāyasmā samāno aḍḍhavādaṁ vadeti, dhanavāva ayamāyasmā samāno dhanavāvādaṁ vadeti, bhogavāva ayamāyasmā samāno bhogavāvādaṁ vadeti.
‘This person declares themselves to be rich, affluent, and wealthy, and they are in fact rich, affluent, and wealthy.’

Taṁ kissa hetu?
Why is that?

Tathā hi ayamāyasmā kismiñcideva dhanakaraṇīye samuppanne sakkoti upanīhātuṁ dhanaṁ vā dhaññaṁ vā rajataṁ vā jātarūpaṁ vā’ti.
Because when it came time to make a payment they were able to come up with the money, grain, silver, or gold.

Evamevaṁ kho, āvuso, ñāṇavādañca bhikkhu vadamāno bhāvanāvādañca:
In the same way, a mendicant who makes a declaration of knowledge and development says:

‘jānāmimaṁ dhammaṁ, passāmimaṁ dhammaṁ, bhāvitakāyomhi bhāvitasīlo bhāvitacitto bhāvitapañño’ti.
‘I know this teaching, I see this teaching. And I am developed in physical endurance, ethics, mind, and wisdom.’

Tañce, āvuso, bhikkhuṁ lobho nābhibhuyya tiṭṭhati,
Suppose that greed does not master that mendicant and keep going.

doso …
Or that hate …

moho …
delusion …

kodho …
anger …

upanāho …
hostility …

makkho …
disdain …

paḷāso …
contempt …

macchariyaṁ …
stinginess …

pāpikā issā …
nasty jealousy …

pāpikā icchā nābhibhuyya tiṭṭhati, so evamassa veditabbo:
or corrupt wishes don’t master that mendicant and keep going. You should know of them:

‘tathā ayamāyasmā pajānāti yathā pajānato lobho na hoti, tathāhimaṁ āyasmantaṁ lobho nābhibhuyya tiṭṭhati;
‘This venerable has the understanding that eliminates greed, so greed doesn’t master them and keep going.

tathā ayamāyasmā pajānāti yathā pajānato doso na hoti …
They have the understanding that eliminates hate …

moho …
delusion …

kodho …
anger …

upanāho …
hostility …

makkho …
disdain …

paḷāso …
contempt …

macchariyaṁ …
stinginess …

pāpikā issā …
nasty jealousy …

pāpikā icchā na hoti, tathāhimaṁ āyasmantaṁ pāpikā icchā nābhibhuyya tiṭṭhatī’”ti.
and corrupt wishes, so corrupt wishes don’t master them and keep going.’”
