sutta » an » an10 » Aṅguttara Nikāya 10.32

Translators: sujato

Numbered Discourses 10.32

4. Upālivagga
4. With Upāli


Suspending the Recitation of the Monastic Code

“Kati nu kho, bhante, pātimokkhaṭṭhapanā”ti?
“Sir, how many grounds are there to suspend the recitation of the monastic code?”

“Dasa kho, upāli, pātimokkhaṭṭhapanā.
“Upāli, there are ten grounds to suspend the recitation of the monastic code.

Katame dasa?
What ten?

Pārājiko tassaṁ parisāyaṁ nisinno hoti, pārājikakathā vippakatā hoti, anupasampanno tassaṁ parisāyaṁ nisinno hoti, anupasampannakathā vippakatā hoti, sikkhaṁ paccakkhātako tassaṁ parisāyaṁ nisinno hoti, sikkhaṁ paccakkhātakakathā vippakatā hoti, paṇḍako tassaṁ parisāyaṁ nisinno hoti, paṇḍakakathā vippakatā hoti, bhikkhunidūsako tassaṁ parisāyaṁ nisinno hoti, bhikkhunidūsakakathā vippakatā hoti—
A mendicant who has committed an expulsion offense is sitting in the assembly. A discussion about whether someone has committed an expulsion offense is unfinished. A person who is not fully ordained is sitting in the assembly. A discussion about whether someone is fully ordained or not is unfinished. Someone who has resigned the training is sitting in the assembly. A discussion about whether someone has rejected the training or not is unfinished. A eunuch is sitting in the assembly. A discussion about whether someone is a eunuch is unfinished. A raper of nuns is sitting in the assembly. A discussion about whether or not someone is a raper of nuns is unfinished.

ime kho, upāli, dasa pātimokkhaṭṭhapanā”ti.
These are the ten grounds to suspend the recitation of the monastic code.”
