sutta » an » an10 » Aṅguttara Nikāya 10.40

Translators: sujato

Numbered Discourses 10.40

4. Upālivagga
4. With Upāli


With Ānanda (2nd)

“‘Saṅghasāmaggī, saṅghasāmaggī’ti, bhante, vuccati.
“Sir, they speak of ‘harmony in the Saṅgha’.

Kittāvatā nu kho, bhante, saṅgho samaggo hotī”ti?
How is harmony in the Saṅgha defined?”

“Idhānanda, bhikkhū adhammaṁ adhammoti dīpenti, dhammaṁ dhammoti dīpenti, avinayaṁ avinayoti dīpenti, vinayaṁ vinayoti dīpenti, abhāsitaṁ alapitaṁ tathāgatena abhāsitaṁ alapitaṁ tathāgatenāti dīpenti, bhāsitaṁ lapitaṁ tathāgatena bhāsitaṁ lapitaṁ tathāgatenāti dīpenti, anāciṇṇaṁ tathāgatena anāciṇṇaṁ tathāgatenāti dīpenti, āciṇṇaṁ tathāgatena āciṇṇaṁ tathāgatenāti dīpenti, apaññattaṁ tathāgatena apaññattaṁ tathāgatenāti dīpenti, paññattaṁ tathāgatena paññattaṁ tathāgatenāti dīpenti.
“Ānanda, it’s when a mendicant explains what is not the teaching as not the teaching, and what is the teaching as the teaching. They explain what is not the training as not the training, and what is the training as the training. They explain what was not spoken and stated by the Realized One as not spoken and stated by the Realized One, and what was spoken and stated by the Realized One as spoken and stated by the Realized One. They explain what was not practiced by the Realized One as not practiced by the Realized One, and what was practiced by the Realized One as practiced by the Realized One. They explain what was not prescribed by the Realized One as not prescribed by the Realized One, and what was prescribed by the Realized One as prescribed by the Realized One.

Te imehi dasahi vatthūhi na avakassanti na apakassanti na āveni kammāni karonti na āveni pātimokkhaṁ uddisanti.
On these ten grounds they don’t split off and go their own way. They don’t perform legal acts autonomously or recite the monastic code autonomously.

Ettāvatā kho, ānanda, saṅgho samaggo hotī”ti.
That is how harmony in the Saṅgha is defined.”

“Bhinnaṁ pana, bhante, saṅghaṁ samaggaṁ katvā kiṁ so pasavatī”ti?
“But sir, what does someone who has created harmony in a schismatic Saṅgha bring upon themselves?”

“Brahmaṁ, ānanda, puññaṁ pasavatī”ti.
“They bring divine merit upon themselves.”

“Kiṁ pana, bhante, brahmaṁ puññan”ti?
“But what is divine merit?”

“Kappaṁ, ānanda, saggamhi modatīti—
“They rejoice in heaven for an eon, Ānanda.

Sukhā saṅghassa sāmaggī,
A Saṅgha in harmony is happy,

samaggānañca anuggaho;
as is support for those in harmony.

Samaggarato dhammaṭṭho,
Taking a stand on the teaching,

yogakkhemā na dhaṁsati;
favoring harmony, they ruin no sanctuary.

Saṅghaṁ samaggaṁ katvāna,
After creating harmony in the Saṅgha,

kappaṁ saggamhi modatī”ti.
they rejoice in heaven for an eon.”


Upālivaggo catuttho.


Upāli ṭhapanā ubbāho,


Sāmaṇero ca dve bhedā,

ānandehi pare duveti.