sutta » an » an10 » Aṅguttara Nikāya 10.59

Translators: sujato

Numbered Discourses 10.59

6. Sacittavagga
6. Your Own Mind


Going Forth

“Tasmātiha, bhikkhave, evaṁ sikkhitabbaṁ:
“So you should train like this:

‘yathāpabbajjāparicitañca no cittaṁ bhavissati, na cuppannā pāpakā akusalā dhammā cittaṁ pariyādāya ṭhassanti;
‘Our minds will be consolidated as they were when we went forth, and arisen bad unskillful qualities will not occupy our minds.

aniccasaññāparicitañca no cittaṁ bhavissati, anattasaññāparicitañca no cittaṁ bhavissati, asubhasaññāparicitañca no cittaṁ bhavissati, ādīnavasaññāparicitañca no cittaṁ bhavissati, lokassa samañca visamañca ñatvā taṁsaññāparicitañca no cittaṁ bhavissati, lokassa bhavañca vibhavañca ñatvā taṁsaññāparicitañca no cittaṁ bhavissati, lokassa samudayañca atthaṅgamañca ñatvā taṁsaññāparicitañca no cittaṁ bhavissati, pahānasaññāparicitañca no cittaṁ bhavissati, virāgasaññāparicitañca no cittaṁ bhavissati, nirodhasaññāparicitañca no cittaṁ bhavissatī’ti—
Our minds will be consolidated in the perceptions of impermanence, not-self, ugliness, and drawbacks. Knowing what is fair and unfair in the world, our minds will be consolidated in that perception. Knowing continued existence and ending of existence in the world, our minds will be consolidated in that perception. Knowing the origination and ending of the world, our minds will be consolidated in that perception. Our minds will be consolidated in the perceptions of giving up, fading away, and cessation.’

evañhi vo, bhikkhave, sikkhitabbaṁ.
That’s how you should train.

Yato kho, bhikkhave, bhikkhuno yathāpabbajjāparicitañca cittaṁ hoti na cuppannā pāpakā akusalā dhammā cittaṁ pariyādāya tiṭṭhanti, aniccasaññāparicitañca cittaṁ hoti, anattasaññāparicitañca cittaṁ hoti, asubhasaññāparicitañca cittaṁ hoti, ādīnavasaññāparicitañca cittaṁ hoti, lokassa samañca visamañca ñatvā taṁsaññāparicitañca cittaṁ hoti, lokassa bhavañca vibhavañca ñatvā taṁsaññāparicitañca cittaṁ hoti, lokassa samudayañca atthaṅgamañca ñatvā taṁsaññāparicitañca cittaṁ hoti, pahānasaññāparicitañca cittaṁ hoti, virāgasaññāparicitañca cittaṁ hoti, nirodhasaññāparicitañca cittaṁ hoti, tassa dvinnaṁ phalānaṁ aññataraṁ phalaṁ pāṭikaṅkhaṁ—
When your minds are consolidated in these ten perceptions, you can expect one of two results:

diṭṭheva dhamme aññā, sati vā upādisese anāgāmitā”ti.
enlightenment in the present life, or if there’s something left over, non-return.”
