sutta » an » an11 » Aṅguttara Nikāya 11

Translators: sujato

Numbered Discourses 11.214–261

The First Fifty



Untitled Discourses on Feeling Born of Eye Contact, Etc.

Cakkhusamphassajāya vedanāya…
“… feeling born of eye contact …

sotasamphassajāya vedanāya…
feeling born of ear contact …

ghānasamphassajāya vedanāya…
feeling born of nose contact …

jivhāsamphassajāya vedanāya…
feeling born of tongue contact …

kāyasamphassajāya vedanāya…
feeling born of body contact …

manosamphassajāya vedanāya…
feeling born of mind contact …