sutta » kn » cp » Cariyāpiṭaka

Translators: sujato

The Conduct Leading to Buddhahood

The Chapter With Akitti

Dānapāramī 3
The Perfection of Giving (3rd)


Kururāja’s Conduct

“Punāparaṁ yadā homi,
“Then again when I reigned

indapatthe puruttame;

Rājā dhanañcayo nāma,
as the king named Dhanañjaya

kusale dasahupāgato.
I was blessed with the ten skillful deeds.

From the realm of Kaliṅga

brāhmaṇā upagañchu maṁ;
brahmins came to me

Āyācuṁ maṁ hatthināgaṁ,
requesting the royal elephant

dhaññaṁ maṅgalasammataṁ.
that was lucky and deemed auspicious.

‘Avuṭṭhiko janapado,
‘Our nation is suffering from drought,

dubbhikkho chātako mahā;
food is scarce and famine abounds,

Dadāhi pavaraṁ nāgaṁ,
please give the noble elephant

nīlaṁ añjanasavhayaṁ’.
of midnight hue named Añjana.’

‘Na me yācakamanuppatte,
‘When supplicants come to me

paṭikkhepo anucchavo;
it is unbefitting to refuse.

Mā me bhijji samādānaṁ,
Let not my vow be broken,

dassāmi vipulaṁ gajaṁ’.
I shall give the mighty elephant.’

Nāgaṁ gahetvā soṇḍāya,
Taking the elephant by the trunk,

bhiṅgāre ratanāmaye;
and a bejewelled ceremonial vessel,

Jalaṁ hatthe ākiritvā,
I sprinkled water on the hand,

brāhmaṇānaṁ adaṁ gajaṁ.
and gave the elephant to the brahmins.

Tassa nāge padinnamhi,
When I had given the elephant,

amaccā etadabravuṁ;
my ministers said,

‘Kiṁ nu tuyhaṁ varaṁ nāgaṁ,
‘Why did you give the noble elephant

yācakānaṁ padassasi.
to the supplicants?

Dhaññaṁ maṅgalasampannaṁ,
He was lucky and endowed with the auspicious,

supreme victor in battle.

Tasmiṁ nāge padinnamhi,
Now you have given the elephant,

kiṁ te rajjaṁ karissati’.
how shall you govern the realm?’

‘Rajjampi me dade sabbaṁ,
‘I would give the entire realm

sarīraṁ dajjamattano;
and my physical body as well.

Sabbaññutaṁ piyaṁ mayhaṁ,
Omniscience is precious to me,

tasmā nāgaṁ adāsahan’”ti.
which is why I gave away the elephant.’”

Kururājacariyaṁ tatiyaṁ.