sutta » kn » cp » Cariyāpiṭaka

Translators: sujato

The Conduct Leading to Buddhahood

The Chapter on an Elephant

Sīlapāramī 10
The Perfection of Ethics (10th)


Saṅkhapāla’s Conduct

“Punāparaṁ yadā homi,
“Then again when I was

saṅkhapālo mahiddhiko;
Saṅkhapāla, a nāga of great psychic power,

Dāṭhāvudho ghoraviso,
deadly-fanged, lethally venomous,

dvijivho uragādhibhū.
two-tongued, lord of serpents.

Catuppathe mahāmagge,
At a crossroad on a highway

crowded with many people,

Caturo aṅge adhiṭṭhāya,
I resolved on the four factors,

tattha vāsamakappayiṁ.
and made my home there.

Chaviyā cammena maṁsena,
‘My outer skin and inner, flesh,

Nahāruaṭṭhikehi vā;
sinews and bones:

Yassa etena karaṇīyaṁ,
whoever has use for these,

Dinnaṁyeva harātu so.
they are already given, please take them.’

Addasaṁsu bhojaputtā,
Seeing me, the Bhojans,

kharā luddā akāruṇā;
those violent and pitiless hunters,

Upagañchuṁ mamaṁ tattha,
came to me there

with sticks and staffs in their hands.

Nāsāya vinivijjhitvā,
Having pierced my nose,

naṅguṭṭhe piṭṭhikaṇṭake;
tail, and spine,

Kāje āropayitvāna,
and fastened me to a pole,

bhojaputtā hariṁsu maṁ.
the Bhojans carried me away.

Sasāgarantaṁ pathaviṁ,
The earth from sea to sea,

sakānanaṁ sapabbataṁ;
with its forests and mountains—

Icchamāno cahaṁ tattha,
had I wished, right there

nāsāvātena jhāpaye.
I could have burnt it up with a blast from my nose.

Sūlehi vinivijjhante,
Though pierced with stakes,

Koṭṭayantepi sattibhi;
and stabbed with knives,

Bhojaputte na kuppāmi,
I did not get upset with the Bhojans:

Esā me sīlapāramī”ti.
this is my perfection of ethics.”

Saṅkhapālacariyaṁ dasamaṁ.

Hatthināgavaggo dutiyo.


Hatthināgo bhūridatto,

campeyyo bodhi mahiṁso;

Ruru mātaṅgo dhammo ca,

atrajo ca jayaddiso.

Ete nava sīlabalā,

parikkhārā padesikā;

Jīvitaṁ parirakkhitvā,

sīlāni anurakkhisaṁ.

Saṅkhapālassa me sato,

sabbakālampi jīvitaṁ;

Yassa kassaci niyyattaṁ,

tasmā sā sīlapāramīti.

Sīlapāraminiddeso niṭṭhito.