sutta » kn » cp » Cariyāpiṭaka

Translators: sujato

The Conduct Leading to Buddhahood

The Chapter With Yudhañjaya

Nekkhammapāramī 1
The Perfection of Renunciation (1st)


Yudhañjaya’s Conduct

“Yadāhaṁ amitayaso,
“When I was Prince Yudhañjaya

Rājaputto yudhañjayo;
of infinite fame,

Ussāvabinduṁ sūriyātape,
I was stirred with urgency on seeing

Patitaṁ disvāna saṁvijiṁ.
a fallen dewdrop in the heat of the sun.

Taññevādhipatiṁ katvā,
Taking that to be of prime importance,

I fostered that urgency.

Mātāpitū ca vanditvā,
I bowed to my mother and father,

and begged permission to go forth.

Yācanti maṁ pañjalikā,
With joined palms,

sanegamā saraṭṭhakā;
along with the citizens of town and country, they asked,

‘Ajjeva putta paṭipajja,
‘This very day, rule this great land,

iddhaṁ phītaṁ mahāmahiṁ’.
so successful and prosperous.’

Sarājake sahorodhe,
The King and the Queens,

sanegame saraṭṭhake;
with the citizens of town and country,

Karuṇaṁ paridevante,
cried pitifully,

anapekkhova pariccajiṁ.
as I renounced unconcerned.

Kevalaṁ pathaviṁ rajjaṁ,
Kingship over the entire earth,

ñātiparijanaṁ yasaṁ;
family, retinue, and fame—

Cajamāno na cintesiṁ,
I gave them up without a second thought,

bodhiyāyeva kāraṇā.
because it was solely for awakening.

Mātāpitā na me dessā,
I had no dislike of my parents,

napi me dessaṁ mahāyasaṁ;
nor did I dislike the great fame.

Sabbaññutaṁ piyaṁ mayhaṁ,
But because omniscience is precious to me,

tasmā rajjaṁ pariccajin”ti.
that is why I renounced kingship.”

Yudhañjayacariyaṁ paṭhamaṁ.