sutta » kn » cp » Cariyāpiṭaka

Translators: sujato

The Conduct Leading to Buddhahood

The Chapter With Yudhañjaya

Nekkhammapāramī 2
The Perfection of Renunciation (2nd)


Somanassa’s Conduct

“Punāparaṁ yadā homi,
“Then again when I was

indapatthe puruttame;
in Indapatta, the capital city,

Kāmito dayito putto,
I was a loved and cherished child

somanassoti vissuto.
renowned as Vissuta.

Sīlavā guṇasampanno,
I was ethical, full of good qualities,

of fine and eloquent speech,

Vuḍḍhāpacāyī hirīmā,
honoring elders, conscientious,

saṅgahesu ca kovido.
and expert in the methods of inclusiveness.

Tassa rañño patikaro,
Now there was this charlatan renunciant

ahosi kuhakatāpaso;
who was favored by the king.

Ārāmaṁ mālāvacchañca,
He made a living by cultivating

ropayitvāna jīvati.
and orchard and flowering shrubs.

Tamahaṁ disvāna kuhakaṁ,
Seeing he was a charlatan,

thusarāsiṁva ataṇḍulaṁ;
like a pile of chaff without grain,

Dumaṁva anto susiraṁ,
like a hollow tree,

kadaliṁva asārakaṁ.
like a plantain tree with no core, I thought:

Natthimassa sataṁ dhammo,
‘There is no good in him,

sāmaññāpagato ayaṁ;
he has strayed from asceticism.

He has left the bright qualities of conscience

for the sake of making a living.

Kupito ahu paccanto,
Then the borders were in turmoil

aṭavīhi parantihi;
by wild frontier savages.

Taṁ nisedhetuṁ gacchanto,
Before going to put an end to it,

anusāsi pitā mamaṁ.
my father instructed me:

‘Mā pamajji tuvaṁ tāta,
‘My dear, do not neglect

jaṭilaṁ uggatāpanaṁ;
the matted-hair ascetic of severe penance.

Yadicchakaṁ pavattehi,
He is the granter of our wishes,

sabbakāmadado hi so’.
give him all he desires.’

Tamahaṁ gantvānupaṭṭhānaṁ,
I went then to serve him,

Idaṁ vacanamabraviṁ;
and said the following.

‘Kacci te gahapati kusalaṁ,
‘I hope you are well, householder.

Kiṁ vā te āharīyatu’.
Is there anything I can bring for you?’

Tena so kupito āsi,
At that he was upset with me,

kuhako mānanissito;
that prideful charlatan.

‘Ghātāpemi tuvaṁ ajja,
‘I’ll have you killed right now!

raṭṭhā pabbājayāmi vā’.
Or banished from the realm!’

Nisedhayitvā paccantaṁ,
After putting an end to the border conflict,

rājā kuhakamabravi;
the king said to the charlatan,

‘Kacci te bhante khamanīyaṁ,
‘I hope you’re keeping well, sir,

sammāno te pavattito’.
and honors were served you?’

Tassa ācikkhatī pāpo,
That wicked one told him

kumāro yathā nāsiyo;
how the prince deserved execution.

Tassa taṁ vacanaṁ sutvā,
When he heard these words,

āṇāpesi mahīpati.
the Lord of the Earth commanded:

‘Sīsaṁ tattheva chinditvā,
‘Cut off his head right there!

katvāna catukhaṇḍikaṁ;
Saw his corpse into four pieces!

Rathiyā rathiyaṁ dassetha,
And then show them from street to street:

sā gati jaṭilahīḷitā’.
this is the fate of one who shames the ascetic.’

Tattha kāraṇikā gantvā,
Rightaway left the executioners—

caṇḍā luddā akāruṇā;
fierce, violent and pitiless.

Mātu aṅke nisinnassa,
They dragged me from my mother’s lap

ākaḍḍhitvā nayanti maṁ.
and led me away.

Tesāhaṁ evamavacaṁ,
I said to them

bandhataṁ gāḷhabandhanaṁ;
as they bound me with tight bonds:

‘Rañño dassetha maṁ khippaṁ,
‘Present me to the king right now,

rājakiriyāni atthi me’.
I have an issue for the king!’

Te maṁ rañño dassayiṁsu,
They presented me to the king,

pāpassa pāpasevino;
follower of the wicked one and his wicked ways.

Disvāna taṁ saññāpesiṁ,
On seeing me, I persuaded him

mamañca vasamānayiṁ.
and brought him under my influence.

So maṁ tattha khamāpesi,
He asked for my forgiveness then,

mahārajjamadāsi me;
and offered me the kingdom.

Sohaṁ tamaṁ dālayitvā,
But having burst the darkness asunder,

pabbajiṁ anagāriyaṁ.
I went forth to homelessness.

Na me dessaṁ mahārajjaṁ,
I did not dislike great kingship,

kāmabhogo na dessiyo;
nor did I dislike sensual enjoyment.

Sabbaññutaṁ piyaṁ mayhaṁ,
But because omniscience is precious to me,

tasmā rajjaṁ pariccajin”ti.
that is why I renounced kingship.”

Somanassacariyaṁ dutiyaṁ.