sutta » kn » cp » Cariyāpiṭaka

Translators: sujato

The Conduct Leading to Buddhahood

The Chapter With Yudhañjaya

Saccapāramī 5
The Perfection of Truth (5th)


Dark Light’s Conduct

“Punāparaṁ yadā homi,
“Then again when I was

kaṇhadīpāyano isi;
the seer Dark Light,

for more than fifty years

anabhiratocariṁ ahaṁ.
I lived dissatisfied.

Na koci etaṁ jānāti,
No-one knew of this

Anabhiratimanaṁ mama;
dissatisfaction of mine,

Ahañhi kassaci nācikkhiṁ,
for I mentioned it to no-one,

Arati me carati mānase.
it only went on in my mind.

Sabrahmacārī maṇḍabyo,
Maṇḍabya, a spiritual companion

sahāyo me mahāisi;
and friend of mine was a great seer.

Bound to a deed in a past life,

sūlamāropanaṁ labhi.
he got impaled on a stake.

Tamahaṁ upaṭṭhahitvāna,
I nursed him

and brought him back to health.

Āpucchitvāna āgañchiṁ,
Asking leave, I returned

yaṁ mayhaṁ sakamassamaṁ.
to my own hermitage.

Sahāyo brāhmaṇo mayhaṁ,
A brahmin friend of mine,

bhariyaṁ ādāya puttakaṁ;
bringing wife and child,

Tayo janā samāgantvā,
came to me, all three of them,

āgañchuṁ pāhunāgataṁ.
as my guests.

Sammodamāno tehi saha,
As I exchanged greetings with them,

nisinno sakamassame;
seated in my own hermitage,

Dārako vaṭṭamanukkhipaṁ,
the boy threw a ball

and angered a viper.

Tato so vaṭṭagataṁ maggaṁ,
Then the boy, looking which way

anvesanto kumārako;
the ball had gone,

Āsīvisassa hatthena,
touched the viper’s head

uttamaṅgaṁ parāmasi.
with his hand.

Tassa āmasane kuddho,
Angered at his touch,

sappo visabalassito;
the snake, relying on its potent poison,

Kupito paramakopena,
completely enraged,

aḍaṁsi dārakaṁ khaṇe.
bit the boy right away.

Sahadaṭṭho āsīvisena,
When bitten by the viper,

dārako papati bhūmiyaṁ;
the boy fainted on the ground.

Tenāhaṁ dukkhito āsiṁ,
It made me distraught,

mama vāhasi taṁ dukkhaṁ.
the pain became as if mine.

Tyāhaṁ assāsayitvāna,
Comforting the parents,

dukkhite sokasallite;
in their suffering and sorrow,

Paṭhamaṁ akāsiṁ kiriyaṁ,
I made the first act,

aggaṁ saccaṁ varuttamaṁ.
the original, supreme declaration of truth:

‘Sattāhamevāhaṁ pasannacitto,
‘For just seven days with a mind of faith

Puññatthiko acariṁ brahmacariyaṁ;
I led the spiritual life seeking merit.

Athāparaṁ yaṁ caritaṁ mamedaṁ,
My life since then,

Vassāni paññāsasamādhikāni.
for fifty years or more,

Akāmako vāhi ahaṁ carāmi,
I have lived unwillingly.

Etena saccena suvatthi hotu;
By this truth, may he be well!

Hataṁ visaṁ jīvatu yaññadatto’.
May the poison die! May Yaññadatta live!’

Saha sacce kate mayhaṁ,
As I declared this truth,

visavegena vedhito;
the boy trembling with poison,

Abujjhitvāna vuṭṭhāsi,
awoke and got up,

arogo cāsi māṇavo;
the brahmin youth was well.

Saccena me samo natthi,
There is no-one to equal my truthfulness:

esā me saccapāramī”ti.
this is my perfection of truth.”

Kaṇhadīpāyanacariyaṁ ekādasamaṁ.